Sentences with phrase «center aisle»

Tandem double strollers are better equipped to maneuver through shopping center aisles.
I can not believe AA did not install partition between center aisle seats.
It reclines, slides fore and aft and the center section can be removed and stowed away, leaving an open center aisle.
The 2018 lineup includes artists — mostly women of color — from Costa Rica, the UK, and throughout the U.S., including Houston, as local dancer and choreographer Laura Gutierrez premieres Center Aisle Blues at the Fiesta Mart.
The property has a 4 stall center aisle barn, a tack and feed room with riding area, paddocks and a round pen.
He even envisions consumers checking out the site on their mobile phones as they browse the shopping center aisles.
The move is part of the sweeping trend that is shaking the center aisles of the supermarket, as my esteemed colleague Beth Kowitt has written about so thoughtfully in the pages of Fortune: a migration away from processed foods to those that are simpler and less removed from nature.
«If you don't have an iPhone, just pass it to the center aisle.
Musk said he wants to make the bus smaller than current models and increase the number of passengers on it by removing the «center aisle and putting seats where there are currently entryways.»
While consumers have long associated the stuff on the labels they can't pronounce with Big Food's products — the endless strip of cans and boxes that primarily populate the center aisles of the grocery store — they now have somewhere else to turn (more on that in a bit).
The critical moment comes when John Paul II, working his way down the center aisle, halts in front of James (who is standing on a chair for a better view), gazes into his eyes for «a full five seconds,» and then gestures him forward.
Dad walked slowly down the sanctuary's center aisle, assisted by my wife on one side and my mom on the other.
We are obligated to listen to one another, and to discuss our differences across denominational lines, theological persuasions — and even across the center aisle of the sanctuary (where one side of the church prefers Paul Tillich, the other side, Left Behind).
Pine not oak went into the construction of the long pews lining the center aisle.
I can still see him pacing up and down the center aisle with the baby in the crook of his arm.
Two ladies crawled under the ropes on the pleas of wanting to go away and then beat down the center aisle.
We are reminded of our own holy dance with God when the minister, after baptizing an infant, saunters down the center aisle of the sanctuary and reminds those gathered to «Remember your baptism and be thankful.»
Unfortunately, when I'm talking bone broth, I'm not talking about the products you see in the center aisle, I'm talking about the homemade version.
Our nation's largest generation has an affinity for pouches, and Mintel's 2018 Global Packaging Trends study points out innovative flexible packaging as a way to draw millennials shopping the periphery back to center aisles.
The dried mushrooms are usually in the center aisle near the tomato sauce and the miso is refrigerated.
Shooting the photos, a low - tech involving a trip to the center aisles of the grocery store and snapping away with my phone in my living room, was almost cathartic.
Supermarkets make the least profit in the center aisles — the worst sellers being those that contain products you can also get at the drugstore or corner store, like mouthwash, garbage bags, paper towels, or carbonated beverages.
Nothing from the center aisle;
The further exaggerated scenario would suggest closing all restaurants and clearing out the center aisles of grocery stores.
Across the center aisle, two other candidates, William C. Thompson Jr. and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, sat together.
«When all the ballots are counted, I'll be proud to escort Jim Tedisco down the center aisle of the House to be sworn in as our newest member,» Boehner told reporters Wednesday morning.
The New York Democrat said he still plans to attend the speech, but for the first time in 29 years won't sit along the center aisle.
As if there was any doubt that Congress was on the verge of devolving into a carnival atmosphere, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic majority leader, on Thursday proposed doing cartwheels down the center aisle of the Senate chamber to draw attention to Republican efforts to block legislation.
«When all the ballots are counted, I'll be proud to escort Jim Tedisco down the center aisle of the House to be sworn in as our newest member,» House GOP John Boehner told reporters Wednesday morning.
We assured His Eminence they weren't parading down the center aisle.
«When all the ballots are counted, I'll be proud to escort Jim Tedisco down the center aisle of the House to be sworn in as our newest member,» Boehner said.
The crowd turns to watch the frail physicist being wheeled at a good clip down the center aisle.
And then the junk foods, the processed foods, are going to be in the center aisles, and they [these] are very, very, very long and the reason that they are very long is because the research shows that the more products you look at, the more you buy, and that is a rule of supermarkets that research backs up over and over and over again.
Try to avoid the center aisles of the grocery store and eat what naturally grows from the earth.
Buy whole foods from side aisles instead of packaged, processed, preservative - filled foods that run down the center aisles.
No healthy grocery trip would (or should) be complete without taking a trip down the center aisles:
The reason why the perishable foods are situated on the perimeter is to give the shop assistants better access to foods that have a much shorter shelf life; the stuff in the center aisles can last for years due to the inclusion of preservatives, colors, additives and various other chemicals.
In other words, approach the center aisles of the grocery store with caution.
The pickles and sauerkraut on the center aisle are not fermented.
Right now they have a center aisle display featuring an array of NESTLÉ ® TOLL HOUSE ® Morsels, NESTLÉ ® CARNATION ® Evaporated Milk, Libby's ® Pumpkin Bread Kit, Libby's ® Pure Pumpkin.
A variation on the center aisle arrangement is the horseshoe.
In a center aisle arrangement, the desks can be arranged in a manner to facilitate discussions, debates, and many other interactive classroom activities.
In these arrangements half of the class sits in rows to face the other half of the class separated by a center aisle.
Without it, the second row converts into two captain's chairs with a center aisle or a center console (also removable).
That car has been in possession of the same family since 1974 and hidden away from the public until now, when it was driven out from under the press stand and up the center aisle of Ford's booth to much fanfare.
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