Sentences with phrase «center of history»

Since, however, his interpretation set God's power, and will in the very center of history, and since he saw secular empires as stumbling inexorably through sin, rather than as representing progressive steps toward modernity, he was regarded until the mid-20th century as too archaic to be of help.
I mean, getting the chance to run around places of interest like Paris, Rome, Venice, and other major centers of history has always been a huge selling point for me.
Hershman Leeson's documentary makes the case that feminist art — varied, messy, conflicted and engaged with the times — is at the very center of that history.
In reply, one must acknowledge that historical thinking precludes infallible affirmations about the «center of history» or about the «point of convergence» toward which all of history moves.
When we acknowledge Jesus as the center of our history, we make not only a judgment about the facts but also a confession of evaluation.
Many of them would recognize that Jesus, rather than Marx, is the center of history.
The freely given and unmerited love of God is proclaimed by speaking of the poor and their needs, their rights and dignity, their culture, and, above all, of the God who wants to place them at the center of the history of the church.3
(2) Christ is the center of history.
With help from good writing and directing, Maria Bello takes a character that might have been peripheral (or downright intrusive) and makes her the center of A History of Violence — the person whose emotions matter most.
Located In Downtown Ventura Located in the historic Downtown District of Ventura at San Buenaventura Mission and steps away from the beach and City Hall, we are at the center of history and culture for the city and county of Ventura.
A center of history and art, this city caters to a wide range of interests, and when you add in the wonderful beaches, it only becomes more clear that this is a place that can impress on many different levels.
It is also one that puts him at the center of history.
Further, it draws questions as to why such failures are at the center of history, recorded as significant historical moments.
We were trying to challenge and undermine the idea that humans are the center of history.
Faith Ringgold, 87, was at the center of that history, produced work that reflects the American race and gender narrative, and continues to thrive making contemporary work today.
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