Sentences with phrase «center of one's mat»

Begin in Downward Dog, heel - toeing your feet to the center of your mat.
Footwork How to: Lie directly in the center of the mat, and bring your knees into your chest (a).
Wind Down How to: Sit in the center of your mat, knees bent, feet hip - distance apart (a).
Be sure to align your front heel with your back arch, so it's as if you could draw a line down the center of your mat.
Place any low object you can easily step onto in the center of your mat.
Step the feet together, and move the left hand to the center of the mat.
Begin kneeling at the center of your mat and interlace your fingers, slipping one pinkie inside the opposite palm so you have a flat surface from your outer hands to your wrists.
Sit on the block in the center of the mat, with your back toward the other block.
Place a second block in the same orientation closer to the center of the mat, about 10 to 12 inches away from the first one.
To practice Bharadvajasana I, sit on your heels in the center of a mat.
Bring the knee toward the center of your mat as you lift the ankle on top of the left thigh.
Adjust the alignment of the back leg to ensure it's in the center of your mat.
To use a steel comb to remove mats, from matted hair slide the end of the comb through the center of the mat to break it apart.
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