Sentences with phrase «center of the cell»

The energy centers of our cells, mitochondria, can stop functioning at peak efficiency.
What if material from our food actually made its way into the innermost control centers of our cells, taking charge of fundamental gene expression?
NYSCF — Druckenmiller Fellow Larry Luchsinger, PhD, studies the energy producing centers of the cell, mitochondria, to better understand the cells that produce blood cells, hematopoietic...
«The biggest problem,» he adds, «may be in convincing top postdocs from the West to go to Dresden,» which is relatively isolated from Western Europe's traditional centers of cell biology research.
One part of LC3 binds to cardiolipin, and LC3 causes a specialized structure to form around the mitochondrion to carry it to the digestive centers of the cell.
«The aim of pathogens is to weaken their host as much as possible, so they try to attack and take over the control centers of the cell, in other words the proteins with the most «friends» in the network,» explains Falter - Braun.
Specifically, she is investigating mitochondria, the energy - producing centers of the cell, as a link between cartilage trauma and osteoarthritis.
For example, Ken Nakamura, MD, PhD, used the LSM 880 to make new discoveries about how mitochondria — the energy centers of the cell — relate to neurodegeneration.
A biological neuron has a complex shape with a set of diverging branches, called dendrites, coming from one part of the center of the cell, and a very long single process called an axon.
Each object in the image is a living cell, 10 microns long; the dark object in the center of each cell is the cell nucleus.
«Spinning - disk microscope offers window into the center of cell
He points out that in normal cell division, chromosomes line up near the center of the cell, where a structure called the spindle aligns two copies of each chromosome and helps to separate them.
To form the mitotic spindle, two organelles called centrosomes move into position on opposite sides of two identical sets of chromosomes massed near the center of the cell.
At the center of the cell is its DNA.
There is no protection for the DNA in a bacterium — the wadded - up ball floats in the cytoplasm roughly in the center of the cell.
At the center of the cell is a ball of DNA (similar to a wadded - up ball of string).
Mitochondria may not be in the center of the cell where most of our genetic action takes place, but they do have a little DNA of their own [source: U.S. National Library of Medicine].
The DNA in the center of our cells links up in pairs to form our chromosomes.
The control spot shows an even distribution of cytoplasmic p65 with a single nuclei in the center of cells.
Scientists have produced detailed 3 - D visualizations that show an unexpected connectivity in the genetic material at the center of cells, providing a new understanding of a cell's evolving architecture.
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