Sentences with phrase «center of the paper»

2 For first band, press rubber stamp in pad and press stamp down on center of paper band.
Place piece of lettuce or green in center of paper and scoop 1 tablespoon of quinoa on top.
Put the «problem» in a box in the center of your paper.
For example, it had the first indoor mall and electric cable car and is also the center of the paper making industry.
Place the fillings (don't forget the noddles) on the center of the paper, fold up the sides and then roll tightly.
cut a cross out in the center of the paper plate and then place a piece of contact paper on the backside of the paper plate with the sticky side facing through the cross opening.
Cut a circle from the center of your paper plate to leave a wreath sized circle.
To test the blood, researchers place a droplet in the center of a paper - based chip that holds anti-A antibodies to the left, and anti-B antibodies to the right.
While you are waiting to trace your shadow use a pencil or pen to carefully poke a hole through the center of your paper plate.
Step five: Cut paper straw in half and insert into the center of the paper strip's open end.
Your name should appear in a circle in the center of the paper.
Use the tip of your pencil to poke a hole in the center of the paper (the place where the two folds meet).
I had the girls write a question they wondered about regarding this situation in the diamond at the center of the paper.
Mind - map for a few minutes — Write the titles of your ebook at the center of the paper, then note down all points that are in mind and number them numerically.
For example, it had the first indoor mall and electric cable car and is also the center of the paper making industry.
With a Nod to John cage I make these drawings within a set of rules.I place a metal nut in the center of the paper.
For example, it had the first indoor mall and electric cable car and is also the center of the paper making industry.
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