Sentences with phrase «center of the work»

His work was at the center of
Wednesday is the disappointing, pasty center of the work week sandwich, but that doesn't stop the news cogs from turning.
Miss, Winsor, and Aycock give interviews, but not at the physical center of their work.
Rising and curling in a twisting loop is a dark brown spray painted lasso that cuts through the lower center of the work.
His works are often examinations of phenomenological processes, where a hollow or empty space turns out to be the actual center of the work.
In Timothy, «sound» and «healthy» define the kind of teaching and speaking that is going to be at the center of the work of reforming the Ephesian church.
First, as I have urged again and again in our discussion, God is at the center of the theological enterprise, precisely as God is at the center of a working Christian faith.
Biblically centered and sociologically aware, it puts the human person at the center of work.
My students are mostly Jewish and Christian, since the relationship between these two traditions is the center of my work, but we have given much thought to the relation of our traditions to the others, especially to Islam, which stands in a special relationship to ours for both historical and theological reasons.
For years, PSI has taken active steps towards increasing diversity within their organization and outreach to underserved communities; bringing PMHA - WOC on as a part of the agency further demonstrates PSI's commitment to bringing anti-oppression to the center of their work.
A new WRI study, in fact, finds that the bank does not put climate change at the center of its work.
Through this partnership with the Broad Institute, Helmsley continues to support dedicated investigators who approach their research with a sense of urgency that keeps patients at the center of their work.
Our members are the center of our work.
My students are the center of the work and are 15 - 16 years old in AP Human...
We can accompany the UN as it works with governments on the MDGs and SDGs, but it is our position to assure that the voices of those who suffer the impoverishment, discrimination and inequalities, together with the care of the planet, are at the center of that work, as well as its results.
My students are the center of the work and are 15 - 16 years old in AP Human Geography; they are also 17 - 18 years old in Constitutional Law.
We work with professional staff too, but patients are the center of our work; with professionals we get both worlds together.
Gross says keeping the experience of the student at the center of the work is an essential inspiration to their innovation.
This conflict has always been at the center of your work — but never more than now.
Here are a few examples of what we've heard from principals: to get better at leading an improvement process that is relentlessly focused on just a few critical priorities; to make instructional leadership the center of my work as principal and limit the time and energy that I spend on peripherals; to be a better listener; to being more patient; to communicate my expectations more clearly; to get better at holding others accountable; to get better at having courageous conversations.
Make sure the learner is at the center of the work.
While the impetus for becoming an educator began in a sociology class at the University of California, at Berkeley, her educational training and philosophies were formed at Teachers College with Dr. Maxine Greene and Dr. Thomas Sobol, the former teaching her the importance of the imagination and the latter, reminding her that the center of our work as educators is always our students.
The school leader as the promoter of the success of all students is as the center of the work of faculty in the preparation programs.
The school leader as the promoter of the success of all students is at the center of the work of faculty in the preparation programs.
What's happening in Beverly City is a real - world example of what can happen when we put students at the center of our work, use data to drive the decisions we make, the supports we offer, and how we work to achieve equity for every child.
At the center of the work we do with educational leaders is a critical question: how do you become an effective leader, and stay true to yourself and your own deep purpose — in a job that is seemingly endless, around the clock, and has very porous boundaries?
Finally, just as the middle finger is the longest finger on our hand and in the middle of all of our other fingers, data is the biggest driver of blended learning and is at the center of this work.
Investigating how to successfully do all these things is critical for us to move forward keeping the needs of young people at the center of our work.
Equity is at the center of this work.
The good news is that there are examples of successful turnaround efforts, where key ingredients include great leaders and school systems ready to respond with best practices at the center of their work.
«He has placed America's children and their academic success at the center of his work every day of his tenure, often challenging the most intransigent and powerful special interests in our political system to do so,» Daniels wrote in a statement.
Professional relationships are at the center of my work in education.
A belief in educator agency and critical examination is at the center of my working group, focusing on progressive democratic education practices within the standardization movement.
Grant Wiggins (p. 18) now puts that question at the center of his work.
What makes the WestEd project so powerful, in my mind, is how clear and coherent the project is about the theory of learning at the center of this work.
Last summer during a NCTAF planning session, a team of five teachers selected this question to be the center of their work with their students for the academic year.
Although CSAI does not work directly in classrooms, we apply this model through the lens of supporting the needs of our diverse learning population at the center of our work.
The Wallace Foundation's Leadership and Excellence in Arts Participation (LEAP) program built on the foundation's experience in identifying and supporting exemplary arts and cultural institutions that put people at the center of their work.
With student achievement at the center of the work, coaches partner with teachers to ensure quality instruction through a process of reflective practice.
Whether a student needs help with a math problem or a personal issue at home, Ms. Kyles has shown that she truly puts students at the center of her work.
The Sibert Honor — winning author discusses his exploration of the graphic - novel format, the place that nonfiction graphic novels can have in the classroom, and his struggle to keep the human experience at the center of his work.
In his «Exotic Lands» series (2011 — 13), Liu assembles doors, wood and stainless steel in geometric configurations, with a rectangular door occupying the center of each work.
In the painting shown below, titled Guitar, the artist creates an oscillating mathematical rhythm, creating the illusion of movement as the patterns collide in the center of the work.
Looking at the work, I had the feeling that my body and my eyes were telling me two different things about where the center of the work was; and were directing me in my physical and feeling response to it; and suspending the duration of the experience.
Since the early 1980s, Paris - based Bernard Piffaretti has approached the blank canvas with a first mark: a single line that he paints down the center of each work.
Okubo's tender images of lush landscapes animated by cartoonish details often conceal the fragile state of the female characters at the center of her work.
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