Sentences with phrase «centeredness at»

In turn, there has been a measurable shift toward self - centeredness at a time when society depends more, not less, on people who give of themselves.

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This does not mean that there is a point at which accommodation and neutrality converge (although there may be); it means only that as time and cases go by, the state - centeredness of what we are bold to call religious freedom is more and more apparent, and the pressure on religionists to conform to the expectations of others grows and grows, with the inevitable complicity of the judges who supposedly protect religion's «right» to be free.
It leads eventually to a kind of «subject - centeredness» that he is willing at one point to term «insidious.»
More is at stake than self - centeredness.
Men and women through the ages have also spoken of a reorientation of one's life in which, at least partially, anxiety and internal conflict can be replaced by an inner unity and sense of direction; self - defensiveness and pretense by the ability to look at oneself honestly; self - centeredness and alienation from other people by a new capacity for genuine concern; and guilt and insecurity by a sense of God's forgiveness and acceptance.
One way of describing it is to say that, to a certain extent at least, the dominion of self - centeredness has been overcome.
At least it warns us against the wrong kind confidence on the matter, and it prevents us from succumbing too easily to that odd variety of self - centeredness, in the worst sense, which demands «immortality» because it is determined to play «dog in the manger» in God's universe.
But in very substantial degree, the dismantling of the social - welfare system undertaken by the Reagan administration with the blessing of fundamentalist preachers and their followers reflects the atrophy of the ethical conscience and the growth of self - centeredness, the hubris of the successful and their scorn for those less adept at «making it.»
Next, look at your level of potty centeredness.
The following are the mental and physical effects I have noticed over the years I have been practicing Kundalini at Shakti Yoga: My mind is more calm and centered, Huge tasks seem easily doable because I have the mental centeredness and physical strength to do them, Calmness happens, Sleep deepens, Body flexibility increases, Spirituality enters, Happiness abounds, Life's moments sparkle, Concentration intensifies, Crisis become manageable, Radiant good health ensues.
It's at this point that regret and guilt rise up, and the only question remaining is whether this elderly man can overcome his repressed emotions and self - centeredness in order to make the best of what time he has left.
Leaders can interrupt the test - centeredness cycle by refocusing the conversation on deeper goals and a critical understanding of the tools we use to get at those goals.
As Robert Raczka, Professor of Art and Gallery Director at Allegheny College, has put it, «The beauty that Kyoung Ae Cho's work attains is a source of considerable pleasure as well as a locus of attention promoting a feeling of centeredness in the viewer — an experience that continues to be desired by many though it is increasingly rare in a culture spinning with information and spectacle.»
Main Outcome Measures Quality of care was operationalized across 4 domains: effectiveness (eg, families received ≥ 4 Healthy Steps — related services or discussed > 6 anticipatory guidance topics), patient - centeredness (eg, families were satisfied with care provided), timeliness (eg, children received timely well - child visits and vaccinations), and efficiency (eg, families remained at the practice for ≥ 20 months).
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