Sentences with phrase «centimeters dilated»

I asked for a cervical check and I was 4 centimeters dilated and 80 % effaced and baby was at minus 2 station.
I planned to have a natural drug free birth, once I was about 8 centimeters dilated I just couldn't handle the pain and I went with the epidural.
She is 10 centimeters dilated and ready to begin pushing a healthy little boy into our world.
I labored without pain at home and in a car listening to Abba while my mom ran errands until I was 9 centimeters dilated.
And some will even have stories of being four centimeters dilated and then be completely dilated within a few minutes.
Centimeters dilated and timing of contractions are the little things I always felt made a good birth story.
While one to three centimeters dilated is nothing for a mom in active labor to talk about, this small amount is a big psychological boost to someone who feels as though they've been carrying around a little passenger forever.
-- If I am less than four centimeters dilated, I would like the option of going home to continue laboring there.
I had been to Baby + Company that night, and I was three centimeters dilated.
I was only 2.5 centimeters dilated, so the midwife checked my vitals and suggested we try to get some rest, since it was the middle of the night.
Finally, at 9 centimeters dilated my water burst with a sonic boom and he was coming and the contractions were harder.
That's a tougher target to hit when you've been contracting forever, have run out of coping mechanisms and are still only 3 centimeters dilated.
They checked my progress (about 6 - 7 centimeters dilated) and immediately started the IV because I was GBS positive and needed a round of antibiotics.
Three days of painful contractions and cramping preceded her arrival at the birth center, where she was finally a reasonable 5 centimeters dilated.
When she went to get checked out at the hospital, she was 3 centimeters dilated.
Christine conducted a vaginal exam after M.G. got in the birth tub, and she was about 5 - 6 centimeters dilated.
I arrived at the hospital 9 + centimeters dilated and met our baby girl an hour later.
At the time, nearly 10 years ago, I truly believed that leaving the mom when she was 7 centimeters dilated was the right decision; otherwise the midwife and her two apprentices wouldn't have done it.
In neither instance did my labor slow, in fact, with # 2 I was 4 centimeters dilated when I got the epidural and delivered 3 hours later.
Despite being seven centimeters dilated, her labor had completely stopped.
When I checked into the hospital, I was 9.5 centimeters dilated!
Cheryl is receiving Pitocin today since she's only 2 centimeters dilated, her water hasn't broken, and her contractions haven't begun.
Two and a half hours after starting Pitocin, Cheryl is only 3 centimeters dilated, so her doctor decides it's time to break her water to speed things up.
When I checked in, I was already 7 centimeters dilated!

Not exact matches

They walk in and they're one cm or half a centimeter or not even a fingertip dilated which was really what happened.
After 4 hours of contractions, painful and getting more painful, the mother was only dilated to 2 centimeters.
By 10 centimeters, you're fully dilated and may feel the urge to push.
If she's dilated to only 1 centimeter, chances are they'll send you home or tell her to go for a walk until it's clear she's in labor.
It is said that the average first - time mom will dilate just under a centimeter per hour once active labor has started and the mom having baby number two or more will dilate just over a centimeter per hour once active labor has begun.
First - time moms were reported to generally experience 6 - 12 hours in the first stage of labor (from the time they are dilated four centimeters) with an average length of 7.7 hours.
With him, incidentally, I didn't make a sound until that point, when the cervix dilates from about 8 - 10 centimeters very quickly.
«Until a woman's cervix is dilated to 3 or 4 centimeters, she usually doesn't need to be in the hospital setting,» says Elliott Main, M.D., medical director of the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative.
They checked me and I had dilated one centimeter.
In fact, hanging out in a birthing pool during the first stage of labor (when the cervix is dilating but hasn't reached 10 centimeters yet) has been shown to decrease the use of an epidural.
I was already dilated to between 3 - 4 centimeters and completely effaced, and had real and Braxton Hicks contractions daily for weeks.
Many people will try to tell you how many centimeters you should be dilated in each phase.
It's important to remember that very few women will be dilated one centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters, etc..
Your body and cervix are working hard to dilate from 4 centimeters to 7 centimeters.
A dilated cervix is 10 centimeters in diameter (31.4 cm circumference) while a newborn's head has a circumference of 34 - 35 cm.
I was dilated to 9 centimeters and had been for a couple hours by the time I got the epidural.
I was told I needed to get out of the tub, move around in effort to help dilate the final centimeter.
New guidelines used by most institutions consider a woman to be in active labor once her cervix has dilated to 6 centimeters (as opposed to 4 centimeters).
I think another factor is that I used a Squatty Potty (I reviewed it here) which made elimination easier while pregnant and which also was the reason for dilating 4 centimeters in one contraction.
Relieving the pain let my body relax, and I dilated fully to 10 centimeters.
Unfortunately, if your aorta is dilated more than six centimeters, the only type of life insurance you can likely qualify for is a guaranteed issue policy for up to $ 25,000 of coverage.
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