Sentences with phrase «central act»

Brand Central acts as your one - stop shop for buying vehicles while Scapes is GT Sport «s unique photo mode feature.
Central acts chronicle the flowering of a union that goes beyond the routine teacher - pupil interaction.
«States that have finalised or implemented the act have framed rules to implement the central act as required to meet local dynamics whilst retaining its essence.
While it has been observed that just over one out of 10 state governments showed the political will and gravity in executing the Central act, we believe that other states would soon follow suit.
This central act of Christian worship reenacts the meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his imminent and violent death.
But it is important, for our present purpose, to observe that in this central act of Christian worship — in this act, therefore, which more than any other expresses all that Christianity is — there is included an act of remembrance.
About that central act cluster most of the elements of Christian worship which we have briefly noted.
When the Christian church celebrates the central act of its worship — whether it calls it Mass, Eucharist, Holy Communion, or Lord's Supper — it points back not only to these events in the upper room, but to the whole drama of God's redemptive action that Jesus is symbolizing in his words and gestures.
The Story is defined as «the drama of God's deeds with its central act in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.»
In fact, a central act of justice, mercy, and faith, would be giving generously and joyfully to others.
Preaching ought to be a central act for worship, but its presence must be the Word of God in the midst of the people.
The central act of Christian worship in the majority of denominations, the Eucharist, is essentially a ritualized meal and a re-enactment of the Last Supper.
Recently Aidan Kavanagh, O.S.B., professor of liturgy at Yale divinity school and sometime gourmand, commented that «the church will not recover the Eucharist as its central act of worship until we recover our ability to eat well.»
Eventually, the pendulum swung to the other extreme, and most Protestant churches have come to the point where preaching is the central act of worship, and Communion is rarely celebrated.
The real problem for me is that a Woody Allen film without Woody Allen in the central acting role is really a poor copy of his earlier films.Blanchet plays the crazed anxious neurotic, which is the part the Allen always played.No - body can do, the highly strung, manic neurotic part as well as him, and Blanchet whilst decent can not match him.A decent enough film, but perhaps a bit dry in it's delivery
The most dramatic alteration is the central act of theft pulled off by bored billionaire Thomas Crown (Brosnan) is an art heist, not a bank robbery, and the film is better for it.
Abraham Lincoln regarded the Emancipation Proclamation as «the central act of my administration and the great event of the nineteenth century» because it «knocked the bottom out of slavery.»
The result of this new, soft - spoken aesthetic is a renewed focus on what has always been the main concern for the artist, the central act that forms the genesis of all painting, making a mark, an intervention in what was previously barren, featureless and still.
It has been recently notified by the Central Government that MUDRA or the Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Limited will not be subject to TDS deduction with reference to the 3rd clause in the 3rd sub section of Article 19 A which states that TDS shall not be deducted for any financial corporation that has been established by and which happens to be under a Provincial, State or Central Act.
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