Sentences with phrase «central affirmation»

Study group participants generally agree that at least one central affirmation of the creed's father - son language involves the generative relation of the first to the second person of the Trinity: the second person comes «of the same stuff» and is not a creature.
It is the central affirmation of the story that calamities falling with such severity upon Egypt were occasioned and controlled by the purposive Word of Yahweh.
A most central affirmation of Christian belief is the divinity of Jesus.
It is my contention that the central affirmation of humanism, the functional ultimacy of the human being — i.e., the radical freedom and autonomy of humankind — is materially a formative category of contemporary theology.
How the powers of the Christian past are to be related to the living moment so as to help such a central affirmation as the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to bloom in the mind to its indeterminate dimension, I do not clearly know.
Its central affirmation can be found in biblical thought and in the meeting of biblical with Greek thought, as in the writings of the early Christian fathers.
(R. Calhoun, «Christ: The Hope of the World,» published in the official proceedings of the World Council of Churches, second assembly Evanston, Illinois: August 15, 1954) In this statement is recollected a central affirmation of the scriptures that man's life, in solitude and in history, is found and held within the hand of God; that operating within history, and dramatically at the consummation of history, is the judging and restoring activity of history's God.
The vitality of the Christian tradition today depends on reclaiming the central affirmation of the church that Jesus Christ is Lord of all life.
Convinced that certain Biblical texts allow only a chauvinistic interpretation, she concludes that though she respects Paul greatly for his central affirmation about humanity (Gal.
We have questioned how a book as cynical and pessimistic as Ecclesiastes could have found its way into the canon, failing to see the text's central affirmation of our work and play as gifts from God to be enjoyed.
Christians» central affirmation is that God became human.
For example, there is the left - leaning «progressive» tradition that locates human dignity and progress as its central affirmations.
The central affirmations and emphases of each tradition now often find echoes in the others.
We hope that there remains no quarrel with the orthodoxy of our central affirmations that «The fathers maintained the sacredness of matter and its share in God's saving plans ``; that the flesh is central to the plan of salvation; that the Incarnation takes place in order to bring about eternal communion between the Godhead and humanity, and thereby the whole of the physical creation which is summed up in Christ.
A systematic theology which is schooled in Scripture and tradition presumes that Jesus is risen and celebrates that victory as one of its central affirmations.
And those who do live the life of the community, seeking to appropriate for themselves its central affirmations, yet unconcerned about the peripheral, secondary, and now and again misleading assertions and practices that have often been associated with those essentials; those who learn gradually to join in its prayers and receive the sacraments, and to read the Bible with open, earnest, yet critical minds; those who endeavor with heart and soul to express in daily life the Christian principle of life «in Christ» — such men and women will find increasingly that they genuinely belong.
In my changed understanding of the church's central affirmations, Scripture and creeds need not be viewed as metaphysical statements; rather, they are affirmations of the Christian community at a particular moment in time.
This could provide a point of contact for Haight's own effort to reinterpret and reframe the central affirmations of the early church.
Changes in Wieman's own constructive thought and in his critique of White - head revolve around these central affirmations.
The Koran, by way of contrast, is the product of one single mind; not so the New Testament, which has all the variety of the Old, and is a «social» product, a «traditional» book — that is, a book enshrining traditions, letters, anecdotes, revelations, sayings, stories — and its unity is found only in its central affirmations, convictions, loyalties, and the general way of life which it reflects.
We must all admit that there is an enormous authority behind the central affirmations of Christian faith.

Not exact matches

Among the many blessings resulting from this cooperative effort, we note especially our common affirmation of the most central truths of Christian faith, including justification by faith, in the 1997 statement, «The Gift of Salvation.»
This interpretation is grounded in biblical themes — the vision of the Hebrew prophets of a branch growing from the seemingly dead stump of the Davidic royal line, and, of course, the central Christian affirmation of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The cosmological affirmation — that «everything» will eventually come under Christ's sway — is not central, but serves to support the injunction to believers to rely solely on «his blood» (v. 7) as their «gospel of salvation» (v. 13).
If that central relationship is distorted, if we look to something less than God for our fulfillment, seeking affirmation on the level of status, wealth, social position, achievement, education, power, or whatever, then our human light will inevitably burn at a lower wattage; our being will be distorted.
Logion 51, on the other hand, is clearly a development from logion 113: it has the same expression, gosht ebol, which, indeed, has become the central theme, the original affirmation having disappeared and the Kingdom question having been replaced by that of the «repose of the dead».
For my part, I am concerned that it is this which is the absolutely central Christian affirmation, not least because the stress is laid on God and on God's action, rather than on ourselves and our «conscious» awareness of such «being remembered».
One central element in the Christian gospel is the affirmation that in a very real way God deals with that situation — this is the meaning of what we call redemption or salvation or atonement.
For as God is love, so that the affirmation of His love is no afterthought or addendum to a series of propositions about His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, transcendence, etc.; in similar manner in respect to human nature and activity, to human becoming, to human existence as such, love is no addendum, no afterthought, no extra, but the central reality itself.
Thus, the Court claims, there is precedent for the view that the procreative potential once thought essential to marriage is in fact no more central to the institution than the race, precedents embodied in the Court's previous affirmation of liberty rights to contraception and sodomy in Griswold and Lawrence.
Neither is the affirmation that humanity was created «in the All - Merciful's image» — an issue central to Jewish and Christian theology — foreign to Islam.
At the outset, it recognizes as fundamental the Protestant idea that reason, starting from outside the circle of faith, can not work its way to an affirmation of the central Christian truths.
We venture the claim not only that Isaiah is central to prophecy hut that no prophet stands more nearly in the center of biblical theology nor anticipates in such comprehensive fashion many of the affirmations of the New Testament community.
It is true that the Reformation was chiefly concerned with a few very relevant though central issues, and that many affirmations and presuppositions of Christian orthodoxy remained undisturbed.
After two generations of process theology this is finally, perhaps, being attempted; but surely it is a fact of some significance that process theology could exist for nearly forty years even while ignoring virtually all of the central or unique affirmations of the Christian faith.
The central issue in the early debates between Fundamentalists and Modernists was on the question whether the gospel should emphasize as the essence of the gospel, deliverance of the humans from sinfulness or affirmation of the human vocation to creativity and cooperation with God in recreating nature and society according to the purpose of God.
Thus, the early Church's central Christological affirmations about Jesus mean: «Jesus is a model for the Christian life.»
Taylor, in the end, makes a case for «Judaeo - Christian theism,» and for «its central promise of a divine affirmation of the human, more total than humans can ever attain unaided.»
The final result, I believe, will be a ringing affirmation of the interrelatedness of all human communities, with the earliest denizens of eastern Central Asia being the linchpin that ties them tightly together.
These paintings, with titles that refer to inspirational affirmations (It's not going to happen like that, Devotion, Determination, Perseverance and Potential) are suspended between an analytical depiction of reality and a dreamlike dimension, between autobiography and imagination, with her own personal style and narrative, in which the attention to time and space is central, evoking at the same time an affinity between life and painting, both imbued with intention and with mystery.
Self affirmation of «the 97 %» is itself a central narrative of the culturally enforced consensus the Dem / Libs ascribe to, hence we'd expect to see a similar shape for them in the second graph.
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