Sentences with phrase «central biblical theme»

The production feels like a high - budget skit comedy, dressing up the actors and telling them to riff on one central Biblical theme or scenario and hope they stumble upon enough footage worth keeping.
Exodus gives a prominent variation on this central biblical theme.
«Mission» means «sending,» and it is the central biblical theme describing the purpose of God's action in human history, with the church being the primary agent of God's missionary action.

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This interpretation is grounded in biblical themes — the vision of the Hebrew prophets of a branch growing from the seemingly dead stump of the Davidic royal line, and, of course, the central Christian affirmation of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Even biblical history is edited history: events were chosen to illustrate the central theme of the Bible.
The story of Abraham's intercession thus points to the central theme of biblical faith: the steadfast love of God — hesed, agape — that refuses to be frustrated even in the context of a most immoral society.
The theme of two lordships is powerful and central to the biblical tradition as a whole.
«It is quite proper for biblical theologians to judge that a particular passage represents a more central, or higher, or more positive contribution than others do,» Barr writes, «and conversely to judge that another passage, or theme, or writer represents an unfortunate turning, a declension or deterioration.»
However, even independently of their bearing on the Church's interpretation of Jesus» life, death, and resurrection, these texts have been held holy for the simple reason that they give authoritative expression to the central themes of promise and hope that constitute the core of biblical faith.
On the other hand, a Christian who adopts this position will call for the development of our theology and views of homosexuality based on what are judged to be more central and enduring biblical themes.
As one might expect, however, Barr is at his best when he returns again and again to his central theme — a critique of the style of biblical interpretation that follows from the fundamentalist commitment to a doctrine of the «inerrancy of Scripture.»
Walter Brueggemann asserts that «land is a central, if not the central theme of biblical faith.»
Sometimes we disagree when we attempt to summarize central themes of Scripture or try to provide a comprehensive overview of biblical teaching on a particular topic, such as the family or economic justice.
The theme of the wanderer or exile so central to the biblical story can amplify the cry for global citizenship by today's refugee.
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