Sentences with phrase «central repository»

A central repository is a centralized place where information, data, or files are stored and managed. It serves as a single, reliable source that allows multiple users or systems to access and retrieve the stored information easily. It provides a convenient way to organize, control, and share data efficiently. Full definition
«While all docs complain about their EHRs, as central repository for clinical information I think they'll continue to exist for a longtime,» said Roberts, who was speaking at Fortune's Brainstorm Health conference in Laguna Niguel, Calif. on Monday about «the next big thing» in health care.
Legislative responses will increasingly harness the power of publicly accessible information (such as central repositories containing all published modern slavery statements).
Since 2008, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has required its grantees to submit their accepted manuscripts to its PubMed Central repository, which posts full - text manuscripts online within 12 months of publication.
For matters that do not have «law firm parity,» one lawyer respondent prevailed in the requirement that the parties use central repository controlled by a service provider for law firms to access produced documents securely.
Information was stored hierarchically: a treelike central repository held documents at the end of its branches.
Sure, they are handy central repositories for ebooks, but the public is always free to go to the source for their ebooks, and damn whatever the major publishers say.
The BlackBerry Priority Hub acts as a powerful central repository for all messages and notifications (email, text, BBM, social media) and learns what conversations and people are important to you, giving you instant access to priority communications and helping you stay focused on the most pressing tasks.
Gain unrestricted knowledge and unlimited access to your data by using TLS's central repository tool, Digital Reef.
Bear in mind that your master resume is an easy - to - access central repository for housing and tracking the trajectory of your leadership career.
State and county central repositories for criminal records are frequently hampered by manpower shortages, procedural delays, local privacy...
In KY we have three publically funded law schools and I have often thought that it would be wiser for us to have one central repository of the primary print materials rather than the three of us all collecting the same print materials that no one is looking at.
Canada's central repository for cryopreserved ES cells, spermatozoa, ova, embryos, and tissue DNA generated by Canada's mouse genome effort.
Corporate Governance This is a central repository for research and study about the nature of the modern global corporation, with a special focus on corporate governance.
France's financial markets regulator has said that online platforms which support cryptocurrency derivative trading must receive approval to offer such services, report trades to a central repository, and may not advertise their digital asset derivatives.
Efforts to require a nationwide registry have also faced resistance over concerns about potential threats to Second Amendment rights — a central repository of data could eventually lead to firearms being confiscated by the government, critics have said.
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies (meaning there's nothing to hold in your hand) that circulate without a central repository such as the Federal Reserve.
Despite this, Bitcoin is a stable currency because it is decentralized so there is not any central repository of information, no central management, so no central point of failure.
Centralized virtual currencies like Facebook Credits, Amazon Coins etc. have an administrator and a central repository, whereas decentralized virtual currencies do not have either, and every transaction is registered in a public ledger known as a block chain.
Bitcoin also known as the first decentralized digital payment system is the online digital currency that works without a central repository or single administrator
The system works without a central repository or the single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to categorize it as a decentralized virtual currency.
There are no physical coins or notes and no central repository.
Common requirements are stored in a central repository for ease of access and standardization across projects.
A central repository and research center for buyer personas.
If you don't, I would suggest that it might be nice to have this website as a central repository that contains everything (at least a «copy» of everything), as opposed to putting some of your content only on one platform or the other.
I also love having a central repository of all comments from all my sites in one place, as well as all my own comments that I have left around the web.
It also suggests standardizing data collection among all milk banks, storing it in a central repository, and distributing that information to stakeholders and hospitals.
ProPublica's solution is to assemble an army of ad - trackers to physically go to the stations, request the documents (which must be made public, but only on paper), scan them and email them in to a central repository.
Therefore, I thought, BIND's role as a central repository for biomolecular interaction data would be crucial.
The study was a collaboration with IBM and offers a large - scale survey of the commonly used container management framework known as Docker, a platform that facilitates the deployment of microservices by providing a registry service that acts as a central repository for software components focusing on specific functionalities called images.
Irisnote stores the files in a central repository — the lab's server now contains several hundred thousand images — and allows investigators to link them to corresponding notebook entries, and vice versa.
The agency's Office of Research and Development doesn't keep its scientific results in a central repository, nor does it communicate them quickly enough.
Nor is there a central repository of research or a system for different groups — particularly from industry and academia — to communicate and partner with one another about what works best.)
According to this 2009 article by the late bioweapons researcher Jonathan Tucker, after most smallpox stocks were shifted to the two central repositories, «[a] few scientific research centers also reported finding and destroying vials containing the smallpox virus that had been retained inadvertently in laboratory freezers, sparking fears that other poorly secured samples might exist that could fall into the hands of terrorists.»
Hacks and leaks are making it too risky for authorities to be the central repository of citizens» most vital information.
It is expected that the European Commission will aim for a combination of both green and gold open access by offering extra funding to pay fees in open access journals and mandating that scientists archive their papers in a central repository.
To bring about change, DBT launched an open - access policy in 2014, which requires all published papers to be uploaded to a central repository, so that they can be evaluated according to their merit.
Plans to store the majority of our nation's spent nuclear fuel and other highly radioactive waste at a central repository underneath Yucca Mountain in the Nevada desert 80 miles from Las Vegas were first hatched in the mid-1980s.
Currently, without any central repository, nuclear waste generated in the U.S. is stored at or near one of the 121 facilities across the country where it is generated.
With those concerns in mind, in its 2013 memo the White House didn't mandate that agencies establish a central repository but instead allowed them to devise their own plans for providing access to papers.
The purpose of this site is to allow researchers to upload their observations to a central repository and so make them available for others to use in independent study.
To be a central repository for large datasets of human genetic information linked to type 2 diabetes and related traits.
Established in 2002 at The Hospital for Sick Children, the CMMR is a central repository for cryopreserved mouse ES cells, sperm, and embryos.
That doesn't argue for the proposition that there should not be a central repository where that material is taken and disposed of in a proper way.
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