Sentences with phrase «central retina»

"Central retina" refers to a specific area in the back of the eye called the retina that is responsible for our central vision. It is the part of the retina that allows us to see fine details and helps us focus on objects directly in front of us. Full definition
Macular degeneration is a disorder of the central retina, or macula, that causes the afflicted person to see a dark spot in the center of his or her field of vision, impairing the ability to read, recognize faces and watch TV.
The cause is damage to the cells in the region of the central retina also known as the «yellow spot.»
These are high magnification images representing immunochemistry of IL - 33 (green), Iba1 (red), and GFAP (yellow) in the central retina of a control eye and lesion and nonlesion areas of an AMD eye.
To determine if mitotic cells were enriched in the peripheral retina, we determined the relative proportion of BrdU - positive cells in the peripheral and central retina.
Progenitors of the central retina are the first to leave the cell cycle and differentiate into the six neuronal and one glial cell class of the mature retina.
AMD causes damage to the macula, a small spot in the central retina and the part of the eye needed for sharp, vision of objects in the light.
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