Sentences with phrase «central table»

Already challenged, I turned to a still larger work, a kind of central table covered with a maze of artifacts, like a natural history museum of modern art.
The saloon below provides comfortable seating for 6 around a generous sized central table ideal for dining if you choose not to dine under the stars.
This little area has high bar tables with stools and a long central table, again with stools.
They each get their say, with separate walls and, for the sculpture, a large central table.
The stylish space connects the main downstairs rooms and was designed to accomodate an impressive central table.
The tennis balls on the central table's legs make it both easier and quieter to move the table.
When the team returns from this morning's surgeries, they are drawn immediately to their chairs and their open laptops spread across a central table.
Our exam rooms have a central table for cats and small dogs as well as plenty of floor space for examining larger dogs.
In is central part a jaspe marble banister, framed by two marble columns, two matching marble tables, an old clock over a central table, there is a little statue of Duke Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, the winner at the battle of St. Quentin in 1557, over the old clock, big mirrors contribute to make of it the most impressive spot of the room.
Claim a seat on the sectional at one end, one of the cognac - hued Wassily chairs, or in the beautiful leather dining chairs at the central table.
Today, those collectors, together with scholars, curators, and other supporters, have been instrumental in claiming a seat at the central table for these artists.
The «spells,» or works, are laid out like ritualistic artifacts around and on top of a central table, itself a commissioned work by artist Beth Collar.
Two young children sit at a central table, as a woman serves them breakfast.
Stay in Touch Place a nice bowl on a central table to collect business cards.
On the other hand it is preferable to having to skirt around a central table when you need to get into your kitchen!
A central table area has been fitted for everyone to huddle around after a long day of exploration, and a small kitchen fitted with fridge, microwave, kettle and hob provides everything you need to whip up a hearty Scottish meal.
A central table creates a focal point as well as a sociable place for the family to gather.
With its timelessly traditional design and intricate detailing on the central table legs, this table will certainly stand the test of time, whatever chairs you choose to pair it with.
No central table allows for more flexibility in the room; you can push the furniture about, customizing the design depending on the day, and always ensuring that you have enough floor space for your guests.
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