Sentences with phrase «century hymn writer»

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As the fourth - century Latin hymn writer Prudentius (b. 348) put it:
Similarly, Beegle believes that the song writers Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley, had they «lived in the preexilic centuries of David and his successors and been no more inspired than they were in their own day,» would no doubt have had their hymns included in the Hebrew canon.
A century earlier John Wesley and his brother Charles had written hundreds of hymns which stirred working class people in England, and this tradition continued in America through such writers as Timothy Dwight, Samuel Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and more recently Henry Sloane Coffin and Harry Emerson Fosdick.
We begin with the Didache of the late first or early second century, perhaps written in Syria and we end with Hymns by Simeon the New Theologian, Byzantine mystic and spiritual writer, who lived from 949-1022.
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