Sentences with phrase «century infrastructure»

Designed, directed and deployed a global award - winning voice and data infrastructure utilizing advanced technologies as part of overall strategy that upgraded company to 21st century infrastructure.
«We are continuing to debate whether or not we want to double down on 20th century infrastructure while we're in a 21st century economy,» Walsh also said at a rally to support the community grid idea in early October.
U.S. Chamber Executive Director for Transportation Infrastructure Ed Mortimer's testimony to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit during a hearing, «Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America: Long - Term Funding for Highways and Transit Programs.»
We must use this transformational moment to move from old 19th Century infrastructure to a wiser combination of green and traditional infrastructure that will meet the needs of the 21st Century.
«We are continuing to debate whether or not we want to double down on 20th century infrastructure while we're in a 21st century economy,» Walsh said at the time.
States can not and should not bear the burden of building a 21st century infrastructure system on our own.»
«We are continuing to debate whether or not we want to double down on 20th century infrastructure when we're in a 21st century economy,» Walsh said.
In a statement Tuesday, Miner said it's important to have federal partners «as we look to discuss ways to build a 21st century infrastructure for cities.»
Many of the country's 19th century infrastructures may be inappropriate in the face of climate change, Mr Brown said.
«By investing in New York's transportation network today and equipping it to meet the challenges of tomorrow, we are cementing our state's position as a national leader in 21st century infrastructure and cutting - edge innovation,» Governor Cuomo said.
«Gov. Malloy believes that Connecticut needs a 21st century infrastructure, and his record backs that up.»
«This is the greatest city in the world and it requires and 21st century infrastructure
But fossil fuels, and the pipelines and other 20th - century infrastructure that underpin them, have created what John Schellnhuber, director of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, describes in a new paper as «lock - in dominance» (PNAS, DOI: 10.1073 / pnas.1219791110).
This starts with a view that U.S. oil and natural gas abundance — thanks to plentiful shale reserves and hydraulic fracturing — is a national asset to be supported and expanded, its benefits distributed to all parts of the country via 21st century infrastructure.
It is rapidly developing countries like Turkey, Indonesia, and Vietnam where key decisions about 21st - century infrastructure are being made.
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