Sentences with phrase «century of data»

Tell us — how many «flat» (and «declining») 10 - year periods are there in the temperature record for the last century of data?
«While the original studies upon which the longstanding guidelines were based were largely observational,» said DiNicolantonio, «We now have more than a half century of data as well as increased understanding of how nutrition impacts the body and specifically coronary heart disease.»
Looking back over eight centuries of data, I find that the 2016 bull market was indeed one of the largest ever recorded.
Our perspective is straightforward: on the basis of measures that have been reliably correlated with actual subsequent market returns in market cycles across a century of data, we estimate that the S&P 500 Index will be no higher a decade from now than it is today.
The 10 - year expected return for a portfolio with the majority of its assets in bonds is at the lowest level in almost a century of data.
«There's almost a century of data that show that almost no one reliably succeeds at stock picking.»
This lottery has inadvertently accumulated almost a century of data on the river's thaw, and a recent analysis of town records shows that the ice cracks about 5 days earlier than it used to.
A rigorous Northwestern University study of a quarter - century of data has found that economic insecurity is related to the rate of gun violence at K - 12 and postsecondary schools in the United States.
«Century of data shows sea - level rise shifting tides in Delaware, Chesapeake bays.»
Various mathematical curves fit these three centuries of data.
Gill's award - winning research on homework compiles half a century of data on time spent by students and a century of debates among educators and parents.
Despite a half - century of data and research showing that retention does not result in long - term gains in achievement, schools continue to retain students.
We know all of this from the centuries of data collected by the Centre for Research in Sartorial Prices, which tracks several well - known financial benchmarks, such as the «stocks - to - nice - hat ratio,» and the «real - estate - to - fancy - shoes ratio.»
Indeed, Fred Kirby, a fee - for - service planner with B.C. - based Dimensional Investment Planning, looked at a century of data and found that between 1908 and 1970 there was actually a clear advantage to buying in May, NOT selling.
The 10 - year expected return for a portfolio with the majority of its assets in bonds is at the lowest level in almost a century of data.
A «40 - 80 year time period» — based on one century of data?
You should not look at and curve fit a century of data and use that to predict a climate that has a thousand year cycle that you ignore.
Finally, we note that the interannual statistics of the NAO and associated surface climate impacts are subject to uncertainty due to sampling fluctuations, even when based on a century of data.
The rare pair of identical adjacent data points may well be an accurate representation of reality in a century of data.
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