Sentences with phrase «century story»

The novel, awarded both the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the PEN / Faulkner Award in 1999, alternates between the early 20th century story of Virginia Woolf writing Mrs. Dalloway, and the contemporary era, where two women seek to escape their varied bonds through Woolf's novel.
Mohsen Milani's «The Making of Iran's Islamic Revolution» is a good read, and I think it does a good job of telling the 20th century story (particularly how external powers manipulated the country).
It's a shame that it turns so silly — devolving, as real 19th century stories often did, into a lengthy conflict over real estate — because its first hour carries so much suggestive potential.
Great Pan, the first - century story said, is dead, and the world freed of its despots, so as to permit the building of the New Jerusalem, the new and better world.
From the 16th century story of Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed of Hungary, the idea of «blood baths» acquired decidedly more sinister connotations.
Although this is a 21st century story, the film is very much a paper trail of clippings, directories, letters and court - files.
Pilgrimage does a fine job side - stepping expectations and injects some 21st century life into a 13th century story.
Both films tell mid-20th century stories of when women felt their choices were limited, and although both stories are intimate and contained, their fine execution shows an artistry across the board, from directors, designers, writers, and actors.
It requires a minimum of patience and dedication in order to play through it and get a better understanding of the 14th and 15th century story between the French and English.
The embracing couple come from a true thirteenth century story of forbidden love, which was immortalised in Dante's Inferno and by many artists since.
The work is based on a Chinese third - century story describing a group who during the change from the Wei to Jin dynasties, fled to the countryside to escape political upheaval.
The 19th century story was very moving and much more interesting than the modern day one.
The Dutch artist's journey is a 20th Century story, while Lee journeying across the Pacific, first to California, is most certainly a forerunner and standard bearer for artists of the turn of the 20th to the 21st Century — an immigrant artist from Asia whose extensive oeuvre of ahead - of - the - curve artworks has changed the cultural landscape from one hemisphere to the next.
Anyone interested in the twentieth «century story of traditional Judaism and its arrival in the United States or who desires to know more about non «Hasidic Jewish religiosity will enjoy and appreciate these books.
In his follow - up to The People v OJ Simpson, Ryan Murphy spins the designer's murder into a compelling story of deceit, ambition and what it meant to be gay at the turn of the century
This year's Cannes is packed with decidedly modern offerings, and Coppola's gender - flipped 19th - century story is just the start.
The director of «Blue Valentine» directs Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander in this early - twentieth - century story of a lighthouse keeper and his wife in Western Australia who rescue and raise a baby they find washed up on the shore.
Placing a black lesbian activist at the center of an early 20th - century story was a natural choice and also a political one.
Contemporary readers will find some familiar elements in this 18th - century story: corrupt politicians and a dysfunctional Congress, both of which played into Arnold's fateful decision to switch sides.
Some of the cultural highlights in Xcaret include the Mayan archaeological sites found throughout the park, the Hacienda Henequenera with its 19th century story, the views from the St. Francis of Assisi Chapel overlooking the bay and the Mayan Village with its fascinating take of pre-Hispanic living.
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