Sentences with phrase «certain ambivalence»

The phrase "certain ambivalence" refers to having mixed or contradictory feelings about something. It means feeling uncertain or undecided because you have both positive and negative emotions towards a particular situation, person, or idea. Full definition
In talking with Buddhists, I find a certain ambivalence as to the expression of compassion.
To the Times she is always «she,» although a certain ambivalence is noted.
Like many both inside and outside of that faith tradition, I regard it with a certain ambivalence, a mixture of awe and dismay.
Memoirs of an Invisible Man is a rather melancholy comedy - fantasy and action picture that for some time has been a pet project of its star, and among the personal traces of Chevy Chase in the conception of this project is, not unimportantly, a certain ambivalence about his own image.
Her closest friends — played by Patricia Clarkson and Cherry Jones — can't conceal a certain ambivalence about Janet's elevation.
I admit to a certain ambivalence on this topic; in fact, that ambivalence may be the topic of this series.
He always plays with symbols to retain a certain ambivalence in his work.
Notable among these were «Hommage à Chrysler Corp.,» in which the seductive curves of a car bumper and headlights blend with the ghostly image of a red - lipsticked Venus, and «She,» in which a toaster, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator and breasts float in a consumer dreamspace that Mr. Hamilton regarded with a certain ambivalence.
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