Sentences with phrase «certain amount of weight»

To calculate the exact number of calories you require in a day, use our Daily Calorie Intake monitor which gives you an option to calculate the exact calories needed to gain certain amount of weight.
Maybe you want to lose a certain amount of weight.
The difference between adults and babies is that babies need to gain a certain amount of weight regularly because they are growing.
Your new little bundle is expected to gain a certain amount of weight, feed, poop and pee a certain amount at a certain time.
So don't set an arbitrary goal to lose a certain amount of weight.
The weight loss calculator will help you determine how long it will take you to lose a certain amount of weight.
Most females go to the gym to lose weight, and their goal is often aesthetic — to lose a dress size or lose a certain amount of weight.
For instance you will make far more progress if you have an exact goal like losing a certain amount of weight within a given time, building up your stamina to do hundred press ups in one set or improving your kicking ability in Karate than you will make with vague targets like getting fitter.
This might include ribbons or buttons for reaching a weight milestone (like 10 pounds lost, 20 pounds, and so on) or you might have an automatic membership upgrade (for online programs) once you've lost a certain amount of weight.
And obviously, you will also have a certain amount of weight that you will be lifting during each exercise.
Either way though, a certain amount of weight will be used.
When a certain amount of weight is lost (and I say, «certain amount» because this amount is different for everyone), ghrelin, a hormone that's made in your stomach, tells your hypothalamus (in your brain) that your body has breached your lower limit of body fat.
It is good to gain a certain amount of weight during the pregnancy, but excess weight gain can lead to complications.
Let's say you're currently lifting a certain amount of weight for 3 sets of 5 reps.. You stick to 2 x 4 for 14 - weeks and gain appreciable levels of strength.
If you're small boned, you likely have small wrists that can limit your ability to do lift beyond a certain amount of weight.
For example, if you look at the progress made by people who have lost incredible amounts of weight you will undoubtedly see that they did not succeed by losing a certain amount of weight each and every week for months or years because the human body is simply not made that way and most people who start a weight reduction program find that it is far from a consistent process.
Yes, you may have to increase your physical activity or keep decreasing your calorie intake once you lose a certain amount of weight to maintain a caloric deficit.
«Power» refers to how quickly you can move a certain amount of weight, whereas «strength» is the absolute amount of weight you can move (regardless of how quickly you move it).
Thank you for reminding me that being healthy, both mentally and physically, should be my goal, not a certain amount of weight lost in a certain amount of time.
Exercise does not necessarily mean going to the gym, being on a cardio machine for a specific amount of time, or lifting a certain amount of weight.
com does add a certain amount of weight to your website, the popularity of non-traditional TLDs is rising.
You will be required to lift a certain amount of weight, and you may need to operate machinery such as power washers.
Both services have minimum application requirements, including the ability to lift a certain amount of weight.
For example, you will not see a final expense application ask you if you have gained or lost a certain amount of weight within a certain time frame.
Proving that you can heave a certain amount of weight is no small task, and it will surely take plenty of effort to achieve your goals.
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