Sentences with phrase «certain approaches»

In this article, we will look at how you can use certain approaches to increase the effectiveness of your mobile learning strategy and multiply the success factors.
Regardless of the standards and content ~ there are certain approaches ~ based on years of research ~ which work best.
I find that certain types of books and certain approaches do better with certain marketing strategies or venues.
The best we can do is identify certain approaches and the artists associated with them.
There are therapists who specialize in certain approaches, such as Gottman or EFT.
I think he seem the real pain that the real church has been caused and how our potential as a community has been stiffled by certain approaches.
I've no problem with advocates flagging studies showing benefits of certain approaches used thoughtfully.
Instead, those initial findings — often statements of correlation from A / B tests or RCTs — will be the starting point of a deeper inquiry into why certain approaches work for certain students.
However, the juxtaposition of my statement about certain approaches being «stupid» and a reference to a book by Wiker and Witt [A Meaningful World: How the Arts And....
One reasonably certain approach for getting there would be for the EPA to set a National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for carbon dioxide under Section 108 of the Clean Air Act, using the President's prior declaration of a carbon pollution emergency as the legal basis for invoking that particular section of the law.
While seeking to describe the different ways families prepare children to navigate issues of race and racism, Anderson and her team of researchers have uncovered a connection between certain approaches to racial socialization in early childhood and parents» expectations for greater success in school.
In an industry saturated with under - qualified coaches, trainers and professional competitors who all preach about the methods and practices that have «worked for them», it's important to understand and consider the underlying reason certain approaches work.
It is better to base your dating Latinas on certain approaches developed by professional psychologists of our Latino dating site.
Former U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who served as keynote speaker, told the audience of approximately 150 attendees that policies going forward must empower state and local educators and administrators — those who intimately understand their students, budgets, and communities — with the flexibility to meet federal guidelines, as opposed to Washington mandating certain approaches.
Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D., is perhaps the leading guru on Web page usability, and so when his firm, the Nielsen Norman Group, criticizes certain approaches to website navigation, webmasters should pay heed.
Every position requires certain approach to resume writing.
For those who are at an earlier or mid-career professional stage, my business partner, Robin Kelley, at Resume Preferred will work with them utilizing the Career Certain approach.
At the same time the act strips the U.S. Department of Education of its power to force states to use certain approaches to standards - based reform (i.e. the U.S. Department of Education can no longer use rewards and sanctions).
Certain approaches can undermine low - risk investments.
hi brian i am setting up new online travel services website.i am willing to help people in 3 big cities of pakistan and people elsewhere where i can manage and.why i say 3 cities is because i have lived there for at least 3 - 4 years or more.i want help regarding marketing as well as any certain approach to adopt or reject.
I was thinking about how a certain approach to «spiritual warfare» re-paganizes Christianity.
Whitehead's panpsychism does enable him to work toward avoiding the problem of anthropocentricism; in appropriating his metaphysics we have to avoid thinking that cultural patterns are inadequate because they do not conform to a certain approach to «consciousness» as defined by the white majority social group.
APPENDIX: On The Way to Life's quotation of St Thomas on propositions and truth There is a telling quotation from the works of St Thomas Aquinas which is used by On the Way to Life (OTWTL) to hint at a certain approach to religious truth: «As Aquinas says, we tend towards the truth itself but we do not capture it in all its fullness.»
While there is no surefire, perfect pitch that is likely to win over every single media outlet, there are certain approaches that tend to do well, according to an all - star panel of media insiders who gathered at the 2016 USA Trade Testing Conference.
Likewise, if you do not believe in a certain approach (like spanking or a time - out chair), be sure to indicate that to a babysitter or early education teacher as well.
She is not the first post-Feminine Mystique writer to argue that motherhood — or, at least, certain approaches to motherhood — come at a huge, and unacceptable, cost.
The financial crisis and its aftermath have brought to light the crisis of European integration, more precisely the crisis and potential demise of a certain approach to integration pursued since the early 1950s.
If the state is making a certain approach to this law, we should look at that to see what consistency there is in terms of state police forces.»
And certain approaches to spiritual teachings and practices, as well as intelligent approaches to psychological growth, can help us toward that end.
Apparently, Mr. Dressed has a certain approach to shopping for me (as transcribed from Husband Lore) and, as he will always tell you, it's a 7 Step Process.
Obviously, some weapons are better against some monsters, but the game doesn't force you to use a certain approach.
For some reason this administration was certain this approach would work this time around despite the mountain of evidence telling them otherwise.
In these areas, the regulations clearly signal that certain approaches are okay, giving state education agencies (that are often compliance - oriented) the green light to adopt them and a clear hook to use with stakeholders and state leaders, who may be skeptical of whether a strategy is permitted.
Some stories might lend themselves to certain approaches more than others.
The only key moment in such writing is the definition of not concrete terms, which are easily looked up in any dictionary, but a definition of abstract terms, such as Love, Hate, Friendship and others, which do not have a certain approach.
Case - study assignment writers call for in - depth paying attention and discussion because there are some cases where the certain approach is required to analyze the complete scenario assisting in understanding the whole purpose of the case study assignment writing for Canada university students as it will be helpful for their degree completion.
Some are market making, others are using altos, still others are using market profile / reading the tape / using the ladder approach... the ways are numerous, but in the end what matters is whether a certain approach makes money.
So, if a certain approach is profitable, there is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Despite this, there is a certain approach to balancing that Sakurai has taken in every game.
The artist chose the recurring word «echo» where she used when thinking or speaking about the works, indicating «certain approaches or elements are distributed from the same core then reverberate a resemblance or similarity to one another, verbalizing the dynamics of the works.»
Savory — a biologist, farmer and environmentalist and more — claimed that certain approaches to managing grazed grasslands could more than absorb all of the carbon dioxide we're adding to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
Explain that your job is to help them achieve their goals, but that certain approaches will not achieve the results they want.
Last January, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale described the former Conservative government as having «a certain ideology and a certain approach that needs to be re-examined.»
However, there is a certain approach that you must consider to help you edge your fellow applicant in a tight race to get an IT position at the company you both desire.
You can use dollar signs to quantify results such as the range of budgets managed between the clients you were responsible for, the amount of new business you brought to the company over the course of a year, to how much you helped the company save by implementing a certain approach or program for recruiting, training, event planning or something else particular to your field of work.
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