Sentences with phrase «certain brain cells»

In Parkinson's disease, gobs of the protein α - synuclein accumulate in certain brain cells and may kill them.
By studying frogs, University of Utah researchers figured out how certain brain cells compute the length of sounds and detect short ones.
Secreted by certain brain cells, APOE is known to regulate cholesterol metabolism within the brain and can bind to A-beta peptides, suggesting that the different forms of the protein may affect whether and how toxic A-beta plaques form.
Patients lose certain brain cells in the hypothalamus, leading to a deficiency of hypocretin, a molecule that helps regulate the sleep - wake cycle.
Neuroscientists have long noted that if certain brain cells are destroyed by, say, a stroke, new circuits may be laid in another location to compensate, essentially rewiring the brain.
How can a mutant gene whose product is found in every cell only sicken certain brain cells?
Neuroscientists have discovered that certain brains cells react to light and dark objects differently.
Nor is major loss of certain brain cells repaired, such as the losses that lead to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
One prominent researcher, Dr. Mary Newport, discovered that coconut oil showed exceptional promise with regards to dementia and Alzheimer's prevention, as the medium - chain triglycerides found in coconut oil fuel certain brain cells that have a difficult time utilizing carbohydrates, the brain's main energy source.
By understanding how certain brain cells are either vulnerable or resistant to neurodegenerative diseases, the lab has also discovered specific «profiles» of vulnerable cell types, thus advancing neuroprotective strategies for Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
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