Sentences with phrase «certain carcinogens»

The phrase "certain carcinogens" refers to specific substances or agents that are known to cause cancer. Full definition
«We're showing the biological underpinnings of these correlations, and understand whether genetic variation may make some people more or less susceptible to certain carcinogens in food, which may have future important implications for prevention and population health.»
Cigarette composition has however changed in the past 50 years, resulting in a reduction in nicotine and tar concentrations in cigarette smoke, but also to an apparent increase in the concentration of certain carcinogens, which includes beta - napthylamine, a recognized bladder carcinogen.
Ellagic acid is also known to help the body to deactivate certain carcinogens and slow the reproduction of cancer cells.
Ellagic Acid is known to inhibit certain carcinogen - induced cancers and may have other chemo preventive properties.
«Exposures to certain carcinogens in the environment may be associated with certain cancers,» according to the EPA study.
And while yerba mate tea does contain low levels of certain carcinogens, it's also very high in cancer - fighting antioxidants.
Where you live and what you do for work may contribute to your exposure to certain carcinogens.
Vets believe that certain carcinogens are excreted in the urine, and can cause cancer in the lining of the bladder and urethra.
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