Sentences with phrase «certain checkpoints»

"Certain checkpoints" refers to specific locations or moments in a process or journey where certain actions or criteria need to be met or verified. Full definition
No, this is not an open world sandbox game, but once you pass certain checkpoints in a level you can not go back and explore the area again.
If both players go down, they respawn at certain checkpoints so players can try again.Jumping and climbing are handled by the game, and depend simply on the direction players are dragging the movement arrow on the screen.
The levels themselves have a decent length on your first playthrough, but you do have the option to save after certain checkpoints if you need.
The game auto - saves at certain checkpoints which is sure to irk some players used to the freedom of saving anywhere.
Keep in mind that since we are dealing with money, there are certain checkpoints in place.
The bad thing is you can be set up to die at certain checkpoints so you have to restart the level.
Baby proofing your entire houses involves certain checkpoints which are as follows:
The university enlisted the help of a third party contractor, he explains, who implemented certain checkpoints that would catch and resolve possible concerns.
In addition to simply helping with objectives, the game encourages friendly competition, both timing how quickly certain checkpoints are reached, and offering up dynamic missions during free - roam.
The goals can be things like helping their fellow students after they finish a chapter or unit, understanding specific skills, or reaching certain checkpoints.
Marking a first for the series, Detroit will also include the ability to reload certain checkpoints if you make a major decision you're not too happy with it.
When I play video games, I tend to restart certain checkpoints if a segment isn't executed perfectly.
Cells going through meiosis must pass certain checkpoints.
Remember, you have pass certain checkpoints.
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