Sentences with phrase «certain cheeses»

I haven't really missed dairy at all this year, but honestly having an option for certain cheeses really makes me super thankful.
There are plenty of dog - friendly foods that you can introduce to your German Shepherd as a puppy, including a variety of vegetables, raw meats and even certain cheeses.
This is why healing diets such as SCD, GAPS and some PALEO camps, follow the BTVC book which permits certain cheeses IF they are aged at least 30 days and contain no SCD illegal ingredients.
This is why healing diets such as SCD, GAPS and some PALEO camps, follow the BTVC book which permits certain cheeses IF they are aged at least 30 days and contain no SCD illegal ingredients.
Tesco decided not to contest the allegations related to the price fixing of certain cheese products with two suppliers in 2002 and one in 2003.
I can eat certain kinds of yogurt, and I still enjoy a little bit of cow's milk and certain cheeses in moderation, but for the most part, I limit my dairy intake (I miss you ice cream!).
When a woman is pregnant, she should avoid certain cheeses that may contain listeria, which is a food borne poison.
Four out of the seven people who were ill and named a specific brand of cheese that they ate referred to brands that were distributed by Karoun Dairies, which has now launched a voluntarily recall and is no longer producing certain cheeses due to possible contamination.
As you progress in the diet, you might be able to reintroduce certain cheeses at some point, but it is important to research which cheeses are the lowest in lactose, and then experiment to see if you can tolerate them without having them spike your insulin and cause weight gain.
Protected GIs now include certain cheeses, meats, baked goods, oils, spices, nuts, cereals and animal fats as listed in Annex 20 - A of CETA.
The Low - FODMAP Diet What's excluded: gluten, dairy (with the exception of certain cheeses), high fructose sweeteners and fruits (honey, agave, corn syrup, apples), pulses / legumes (including those with edible pods like snap peas), members of the onion family (garlic, shallot, scallions) and other vegetables high in inulin (see full list here).
I can eat certain kinds of yogurt, and I still enjoy a little bit of cow's milk and certain cheeses in moderation, but for the most part, I limit my dairy intake (I miss you ice cream!).
If you occasionally consume slightly more carbs (for me, certain cheeses have high carbs; too much avocado does as well), you'll still achieve most of the benefits of a low - carb diet.
The European Commission (EC) will provide Private Storage Aid (PSA) for butter, skimmed milk powder (SMP), and certain cheeses to «alleviate» the impact of the Russian embargo on European Union (EU) food imports.
But there are certain cheeses that are okay for babies, and some that are not.
Sometimes textures and smells are a problem for the fussy eater, so seafood, eggs or certain cheeses may be off the menu.
The effect is smelly gas, since milk and certain cheeses have a high sulfur content.
A few months back, word got out that certain cheeses are made with wood pulp.
Examples of fermented food include natto, raw butter and certain cheeses.
The best sources of vitamin K2... You guessed it: grass - fed dairy fat (butter, cream, certain cheeses), organ meats, egg yolks, and certain fermented foods that use a specific starter culture.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) allows lactose - free dairy only so the following are allowable: homemade 24 - hour SCD yoghurt, butter and certain cheeses.
You eat meat, eggs, fish, chicken, certain cheeses, nuts, low - carb vegetables (e.g., salad greens, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower), and oils.
I have seen and heard many people enjoy kombucha during their pregnancy, and I feel it's just a personal choice much like eating sushi, certain cheese, etc. while pregnant.
Dairy products that are higher in protein and fat, like cottage cheese and certain cheeses, might be easier on dogs» stomachs since they are usually lower in carbs (lactose); however, their high - fat content can be problematic, so moderation is advised.
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