Sentences with phrase «certain dog breeds shed»

However, certain dog breeds shed more than others.

Not exact matches

Even though the differences between non-low shedding dogs and low shedding dogs may not be huge, they are enough to reduce the amount of allergy attacks that people have when they are around certain breeds of dog.
While studies have shown that a purely nonallergenic dog doesn't exist — as every dog has dander — there are certain breeds that don't shed fur, or do so minimally enough to be considered hypoallergenic.
When it comes to dogs that shed, many people want to know just why certain breeds shed.
Genetic testing of the MC5R gene will reliably determine whether or not a dog is a genetic Carrier of the variant that contributes to higher shedding in certain breeds of dog.
Certain dog breeds are known for almost constant shedding.
A medium dog that does not shed, the coat of the Tibetan terrier has a long growth cycle therefore as with certain other long coated breeds they lose hairs more like us than other dogs with a short growth cycle which reduces the shedding.
While no dog is truly non-allergic, certain breeds shed less and can be more comfortable for allergy sufferers.
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