Sentences with phrase «certain education»

As long as you use the money for certain education - related expenses, you will not be charged capital gains tax on the funds you remove.
Skilled workers and professionals: for those who meet certain education and work experience requirements.
While my dissertation highlights certain education and professional experiences that were statistically related to student outcomes and principal retention, we do not have a full understanding of why these experiences might be related.
The same old story emerges in how certain education reformers paint pictures of corrupt, black school boards in urban districts that teach out - of - control students.
Lastly, you will need a text formatted resume to post to certain education job boards.
Check your state custody guidelines to find out if your state requires certain education provisions to be in your parenting plan.
They also are concerned that unless midwives have met certain education and experience requirements, it's difficult for parents to gauge their skills.
Buried in last week's blog — an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan — I remarked on the unscalability of certain education initiatives praised by Checker Finn as «charter - like.»
The lag prompted U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to propose a «Plan B» to give states waiverson meeting NCLB - mandated targets in exchange for implementing certain education reforms of his choice.
The Washington - based advocacy organization cites a range of what it perceives as offenses related to education, such as efforts by the Bush administration to zero out funding for the Women's Educational Equity Act and to «weaken Title IX protections for female athletes,» and its failure to investigate the exclusion of females from certain education programs.
Most notably, it would cut $ 500 million from the $ 4.35 billion Race to the Top program, which rewards states for making progress on certain education...
Members of Congress, particularly Republicans, believe the Obama administration has overstepped its authority by requiring states to implement certain education policies and practices in exchange for the flexibility in meeting certain NCLB requirements.
What Malloy and Pryor don't explain is that in order to get approved, towns were required to include certain education reform initiatives, including forcing Connecticut's largest school districts to participate in Achievement First, Inc.'s «Residency Program for School Leadership.»
But I hope certain education experts out there, especially those who don't speak with real understanding about schools despite their expertise in school research and policy, will recognize the futility of relying on any single measure, particularly to evaluate individual teachers.
The day turned sour late Friday morning, when Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie lashed out at Senate Republicans for what he called their holding up a final deal in order to push an item by Sen. Simcha Felder, a Brooklyn Democrat who has an alliance with Senate Republicans, to relax certain education curriculum requirements by yeshivas.
The Obama administration announced in 2011 it would award waivers under the No Child Left Behind Act to states that agreed to adopt certain education ideas, such as teacher evaluations tied to student test scores.
The waivers, which are now in place in 42 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, allow states to get out from under many of the mandates of the NCLB law in exchange for embracing certain education redesign priorities.
You no doubt continue to watch the evolution of Rocketship, which remains a lightning rod in certain education circles given its instructional model and ambitions.
This finding is consistent with Leslie Finger's (2017) finding that where Democrats have more control in the legislature, increases in teachers union strength have an effect that is smaller in magnitude on the likelihood of passing certain education reforms than in Republican - dominated legislatures.
While states, districts, and schools have long collected certain education data for accountability purposes and in an attempt to be more data - driven, there is growing interest in leveraging new digital learning tools, online services, educational «apps,» and other technologies in the classroom.
Using a debit card, parents can access the funds to cover private school tuition and fees, tutoring, textbooks, homeschool curricula, educational therapy, certain education technologies, various education - related fees (e.g., standardized tests), and student transportation.
And although some within the education community have been scornful of the «interlopers,» certain education schools are rising to the bait and improving the quality of their research faculty and of their training of new education researchers.
Certain education lending experts, such as Cedar Educational Lending, can offer several options for private student loans.
Since driving a truck is considerably more difficult than driving a traditional passenger vehicle, truck drivers must receive certain education, training, and licensing before they can get behind the wheel of a big rig.
The Limited Practice Rule for Limited License Legal Technicians («LLLT») allows non-lawyers who satisfy certain education, financial responsibility, moral character, licensing and examination requirements to advise and assist clients with issues falling within approved practice areas of law.
The TEC Programme provides childcare support for parents on certain education and training courses (CETS), parents working on Community Employment programmes (CEC), and also for families on Family Income Support (ASCC).
An automotive service technician certification is a well - known standard used to verify that an individual has met certain education and training requirements in the field of automotive service.
Shortly after Obama's inauguration, the new president launched the Race to the Top competition, which let recession - addled states vie for billions in extra stimulus funding in exchange for agreeing to certain education reforms.
Founded in 1998, Aspire is one of the nation's first and largest open - enrollment charter public school systems in the US, serving predominantly low - income students, delivering a rigorous College for Certain education to students in grades K - 12.
However, I think some of the problems in education — that I can see — stem from the funding of a certain education model and therefore, the continual production of the same sorts of outcomes.
If so, a certain Education Spokesman would prefer to have his degree from the University of Life, rather than Oxford (a sentiment light blues feel entirely plausible), and a certain PPC for a South London constituency lead a debate suggesting No confidence in a Government represented at the debate by a certain Kenneth Clarke.
In these cohort - based models, school designers are recruited from a certain education sector (charter or district).
Well, January marks one of those big national celebrations for a certain education - related cause.
While employing a payroll accountant the employers have certain education and experience requirements which must be stated in the Payroll Accountant Resume Objective.
Another reason for leaving out certain education, an industry - specific certificate, for example, are sometimes necessary when the jobseeker is eyeing a multitude of other industries and doesn't want to be pigeonholed into just one.
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