Sentences with phrase «certain emotional feeling»

It's very rare for a gem to come along that gives you that certain emotional feeling that only gamers» that invest themselves into the art can know, and this and its predecessors are one of those gems.

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For the same reasons regular people feel emotional connections to certain movies, songs, and television shows, moguls have a track record of becoming enamored with «content,» even when that leads them to make bad financial decisions.
For both this implies at the same time a certain distance and absence of emotional involvement — an experiencing of the feelings from the side of the client without an emotional identification that would cause the counsellor to experience these feelings himself, as counsellor.
They avoided neurotic conflict by a certain emotional self - restriction: they did not want to talk or think too much but felt more comfortable in action, in sports or work.
At least, our experience of the animals with whom we live is that they exhibit behaviors similar to many of our own; that those behaviors clearly seem to be signs of emotional and mental qualities familiar to us from our own knowledge of ourselves; that animals possess distinctive individual traits, characteristics that are irreducibly personal (even if we feel obliged to recoil from that word on metaphysical principle), their own peculiar affections and aversions, expectations and fears; that many beasts command certain rational skills; and that all of this makes some kind of natural appeal to our moral sense.
Ms. Cornett argues that the love affair between Almasy and Katherine «is of the very same emotional and spiritual and factual material that dramatic religious conversions are made of»» namely, a certain sequence of strong feelings, including the experience of being led to do something against your will.
Its author, Anthony Goudie, explains in a post for Bloom, a magazine and website about disabilities, «They tend to have a lot of anxiety and emotional problems, in terms of feeling unhappy, afraid or nervous of certain situations.
While emotions are actions accompanied by ideas and certain modes of thinking, emotional feelings are mostly perceptions of what our bodies do during the emoting, along with perceptions of our state of mind during that same period of time.
Both EFT and TFT involve tapping on certain acupressure points (in a similar way to acupuncture) to remove the emotional charge and leave clients feeling «more relaxed, in control and accepting of the situation».
Such interventions can include: developing «mindfulness» and greater awareness of one's physical and emotional presence using relaxation and meditative techniques; movement, in order to promote a deeper physical awareness and to expand one's capacity to feel and express emotions; breathing techniques to increase awareness of and improve functioning of the breath and expressive verbalizations; specific exercises or routines to help eliminate certain physical tensions or «blocks»; etc..
But they can also be turned on by certain emotional states, such as feeling depressed or lonely, a behavior known as emotional eating.
You might feel confident that you wouldn't fall for anything like that, but the reality is that we are all human with all that entails and we are all subject to certain mental and emotional triggers for those who know how to exploit them.
I never felt emotional about Joey, but certain events with Joey at the center were fairly involving.
As tragedy is layered upon tragedy and Mia feels less and less inclined to fight for her own life, a certain emotional numbness sets in.
Being able to recognize and empathize with the feelings of others and understand the impact emotions have in certain social environments is a key aspect of emotional intelligence.
When they see your tweet on their feed your goal is to evoke certain feelings of kindred spirit or joyousness, (or whatever your brand strategy is) and they will RT, share, and support your cause, if you've done your job correctly, because you've created an emotional connection with them.
By pondering this issue ahead of time and knowing how they may instinctively react to or perceive certain things, a trader can hope to isolate and identify those feelings during a trading session, and then try to focus on moving past the emotional response.
Change How Your Dog Feels About the Threat By using positive reinforcement techniques you can actually change the way your dog feels about a certain situation for the better and therefore change his emotional and behavioral respFeels About the Threat By using positive reinforcement techniques you can actually change the way your dog feels about a certain situation for the better and therefore change his emotional and behavioral respfeels about a certain situation for the better and therefore change his emotional and behavioral response.
Whether it is a retail sales ban that prevents them from obtaining a dog or a cat from someone that can help them find the right animal, restrictions on access to international or domestic waters for the collection of aquatic species, or restrictions on the ownership of certain reptile species based on nothing more than their potential length, all of these things are legislation that sounds really good when it's written on paper or when testimony about it is delivered by an emotional activist who feels very strongly.
FM4 and 5 had moved to a cinematic score feel, yet the music needed to evoke certain similar emotional responses as previous FM games, a signature sound for the FM series.
After all, political beliefs are deeply felt and highly emotional, and yet we rarely even know why a certain conclusion feels so right to us, even as another person can feel just as strongly about the opposite view.
Having thus neutralized the partialities of his emotional nature, he proceeds with a certain natural and enforced erectness of mental attitude to the investigation, knowing well that some of his intellectual children will die before maturity, yet feeling that several of them may survive the results of final investigation, since it is often the outcome of inquiry that several causes are found to be involved instead of a single one.
Emotional reasoning: Thinking because you feel a certain way, it must be true.
However, in this section I argue that if clinical law students and lawyers fail to critically interrogate our emotional responses in these contexts, we may unwittingly assume that our responses of outrage are sufficient «gauges» of injustice and that our feelings legitimate certain responses on the part of legal professionals.
She notes that certain spectres of injustice (for example, individual stories of the suffering of children) may evoke strong emotional reactions, whereas other stories of injustice will fail to evoke any feelings at all.
Perhaps as an individual, you feel stuck in a certain emotional state such as frustration, anxiety or depression, and you're tired of it.
Sometimes adults tease children about their emotional responses or try to talk them out of feeling a certain way, which can lead feelings of shame.
Certain forms of therapy work better for certain emotional problems; thus, I feel that employing an eclectic approach helps me utilize the best or most effective methods for each specific pCertain forms of therapy work better for certain emotional problems; thus, I feel that employing an eclectic approach helps me utilize the best or most effective methods for each specific pcertain emotional problems; thus, I feel that employing an eclectic approach helps me utilize the best or most effective methods for each specific problem.
Having a greater understanding of why we are feeling a certain way, or why our students behave and perform as they do, can support us in not overreacting and having greater emotional balance.
Our feelings toward our partners fluctuate — that is natural and normal, and you can expect it — but outside of a certain range, emotional fluctuations can feel more troubling.
From childhood through late adulthood, there are certain times when we may need help addressing problems and issues that cause us emotional distress or make us feel overwhelmed.
They receive emotional support, learn how to resolve conflicts with people, learn to understand their feelings and why they behave in certain ways.
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