Sentences with phrase «certain essential questions»

You will get a call from an expert handling your case, and will be asked certain essential questions.

Not exact matches

Since land is the scarcest resource in the world and the most essential element in any effort to restore subsistence farming, the combination of political and environmental issues attending certain types of development raises serious ethical questions.
The primary factors which bear on the question seem to me to be five: (1) the churchgoing habit in these churches is earlier and more persistently associated with religion; (2) the emotional accompaniments of worship are more vivid and dramatic; (3) greater demands — or at least, greater consciously recognized demands — are made on church members; (4) more concrete instruction is given in Christian doctrine; and (5) in spite of some false notes, other notes are struck which in certain great essentials lie closer to the heart of the Christian gospel than the usual liberal emphasis.
Here we come to the essential point of what we are compelled to call Henry Duméry's religious philosophy, for it is no longer just a question of a critique of religious representations but of a certain interpretation of the relationship between God and the mind.
Even though occasional studies refute or question certain qualities, the world's scientists and health organizations have clearly concluded that breastfeeding is essential for infant and maternal health because the overall research has definitively proven its worth and importance.
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