Sentences with phrase «certain event happens»

Often times divorcing couples agree to hold on to the marital home until a certain event happens in the future such as a child finishing school, etc..
The second tier is per piece work, a set price each time a certain event happens.
The insurance company promises it will pay the insured person a specific amount of money in case a certain event happens.
There are applications within insurance about smart contracts where you can program what happens if a certain event happens that can automate a lot of the processes.
When certain events happen, it will automatically trigger the release of funds.
What this means is that time is not some primordial container — an infinite bucket of moments — in which certain events happen.
Those are also part of TalentLMS» Events engine, and are a powerful way to automate actions when certain events happen in your eLearning portal (as opposed to merely notifying users).
Setting up logic commands will mean you choose when certain events happen - for example, making certain enemies spawn when a player performs a specific action.
For example, you generally have 2 years after a car accident to start a claim against the other driver, so it is important to tell the lawyer exactly when certain events happened.
You purchase a policy, pay your monthly premiums, and know that you're covered if any of certain events happens.
Most contracts contain clauses that will allow the buyer and / or seller to cancel the contract if certain events happen or don't happen.

Not exact matches

You've prepared pro forma financial statements and a cash flow budget, so you know your future funding needs — assuming you hit all projected targets, expenses are estimated with a certain degree of accuracy, and no unforeseen events happen.
There are certain price action «events» that happen over and over in the markets, and if you can learn to identify and trade these events you can build a high - probability trading strategy around them.
-- Unconscious perception by which people unconsciously infer, from data they have unconsciously learned, that a certain event will probably happen in a certain context.
It is possible to think of God intervening in worldly affairs and physical happenings according to two different models: as a constant cosmic string - puller who controls each and every event of any importance (either by causing it or by consciously allowing it to happen), or as an occasional meddler and zapper, limited (perhaps by self - restraint) to intervening in a certain number of instances.
While we can accurately anticipate that a future individual event will fall within a certain range of possible events, its complete specificity remains «undecided» until its own happening.
The church became Trinitarian not because of some speculative interest in the number three, but because certain events had happened in their midst which they could interpret only by saying that Father, Son, and Spirit, though one God, are somehow three distinguishable forms of his presence.
Jesus» belief in miracles, then, does not mean that Jesus was convinced of special supernatural forces and laws, but simply that he held certain happenings to be the direct action of God, that he attributed particular events in an especial sense to the will of God.
Anyone can predict bad things will happen, and be almost certain to be right at some time in the future, since so much stuff happens.Either present a fulfilled prophecy that had exact dates in it, with events that later did happen on those dates, or show some integrity by retracting any claims of «proof» of prophecy that you might be making.
Because we dare not speak for God presumptively (as you've seen some TV preachers do in pronouncing certain public events as unmistakably God's judgment for specific sins), we should pursue a reverent agnosticism about why individual bad things happen.
Whereas we usually think of things or people as individuals to which events happen, he advocates the converse proposition that things or persons are «certain stabilities... in the flux of events.
«Live - Tweeting» an event involves covering it comprehensively as it happens, and social media - friendly conferences and seminars typically promote the use of certain hashtags to facilitate the process.
Apart from being interested in having certain individuals elected to offices, democratic clubs seek to engage and inform the public on democratic events and issues happening throughout Manhattan.
In this case, they focused on what happens in certain parts of the brain when subjects were shown a face — the face being the event.
Write down approximate dates for when certain health events happened, like your first period, and when you were diagnosed with any chronic conditions, like PCOS.
U-571's plot moves like a rocket, never pausing for breath, and this works to a point, but certain events (what happens to Keith's Major Coonan, for example) are glossed over in favor of more (exceptionally well - done) shots of exploding depth charges and topside battles.
There are some extreme moments in these kinds of films where you know certain events and casualties only happen in the movies.
The struggle, surely, with writing a historically rooted film is that certain events must happen, in a certain order, and you're responsible for the connective tissue.
Return to the village frequently to discover special events only happening on certain dates, such as birthdays and other celebrations.
Some items are even earned by performing certain in - game events a certain number of times that happen on certain stages!
Director Jaco Van Dormael has infused Mr. Nobody with an unapologetically arty and downright pretentious sensibility that's reflected in virtually every frame, as the far - from - linear storyline tracks the important events in Mr. Nobody's life - yet it's the emphasis on events that may never have even happened that's sure to infuriate certain viewers (ie if you're not willing to go with the premise almost immediately, Mr. Nobody will undoubtedly come off as a long slog indeed).
There are certain events that the viewer knows will happen, and certain people that look like they are betraying others but actually are not (or vice versa).
There it is revealed that Marty and Jennifer have a son and daughter, Marty Jr. and Marlene (both played by Fox), and that they are in jeopardy, and if Marty Sr. doesn't stop a certain event from happening, the future of the family will be in ruins.
We leave the theater knowing much more Bond background than we did going in, including what's behind certain villains and events of the previous movies, and why so much of what has happened is not just spy business but very personal to Bond.
While it is true it is easier to show someone they have a need for something especially if it is prescriptive, when you write certain kinds of NF for things that are one - offs (like pregnancy or divorce — events that happen once and people move on) it isn't worth the time (as much) to develop an email list and try to get «fans.»
As a matter of fact, one of the reasons that 5th Street Commons requires Austin, TX Renters Insurance is that they want to be certain that all residents of the community are able to continue their lifestyle in the event that something does happen.
Certain events can happen which may adversely affect the price of the stocks you invest in.
At present I am planning to take a term insurance plan for a certain amount cover that may take care of my child's education (A) and my family's well being (B) in event of any unfortunate happening for myself.
Major Forex news informs the parts of a trading process about all important events that have happened during the certain day of trading with a purpose to give a push for making further steps in decisions about dealing business on the Forex market.
The analysis runs 5000 different scenarios to test what could happen to your investments should certain events occur.
You can choose to sleep in order for time to pass so that you can venture out in the daytime or in the nighttime as certain events will only happen during a certain time of day, but that is the limit to your interaction with anything in the game world.
-- The Multiplayer has certain random events (sort of like RDR) that happen in your playthrough.
In Mario Party 3, landing on certain Happening Spaces in Deep Bloober Sea will trigger an event with the Baby Blooper in the middle of the board.
Return to the village frequently to discover special events only happening on certain dates, such as birthdays and other celebrations.
It would be cool if events would randomly happen when you played like certain things might wash up on shore and maybe your ultimate goal would be to escape, but it would take a long time to do it (kind of like paying off tom nook).
Upon obtaining the use of the Monado, Shulk begins to have visions of the future, which allows him to stop certain events from happening.
There is no point in the game where this is ever required to progress, but it can be useful when trying to complete the Nintendo Gallery or another event that can only happen at a certain time of day, because Link does not have to wait for the time of day to change.
I kind of want to go back and «true» 100 % GTAV, but I feel like that would also entail doing all the random events as well (which are especially annoying since they don't seem to happen for every character, or they only happen at certain times of day, or something else).
The game lets you know everything you need to know and lets you get on with it, there's plenty of choices for you to take such as certain events that happen in dungeons with good, bad and neutral outcomes, as well the oppurtunity to build your characters however you wish, giving them skill points to learn new abilities or improve old ones every time they level up.
In the case of the Earth's climate, there are obviously billions of things «happening» all the time, and it is the sum of all these events that brings the system to a certain state at a certain point in time.
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