Sentences with phrase «certain events in a person»

This thesis might link certain events in a person's life to his or her subsequent actions.

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PwC recommends, «Apart from traditional rewards such as credit vouchers for a certain amount of money spent, retailers could offer unique rewards that customers would experience in person (e.g., invite to an exclusive meet - the - designer or meet - the - chef event).»
However, while I believe that virtual meetings can be useful in certain circumstances (when time is short or distance is too far), there are many reasons why in - person events are more effective for businesses, large and small.
In addition, with the Connections setting, you can choose advanced targeting, which lets you include or exclude people who are connected to certain pages, apps or events.
Virtual meetings can be useful in certain circumstances, but there are many reasons why in - person events are more effective for businesses.
Contract law, for example, provides that by doing or saying certain things people can make binding agreements with one another that will be enforced by judicial authorities in the event that one or more parties fail to follow through on the agreement.
When people think of «financial protection,» they often think of insurance first, making certain that those they love are protected against financial hardship in case of unexpected events.
Certain environmental events may trigger schizophrenia in people who are genetically at risk for it.
-- Unconscious perception by which people unconsciously infer, from data they have unconsciously learned, that a certain event will probably happen in a certain context.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation — We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
In 1964, he also received a Nobel Peace Prize — an event that galled certain people in high authority in WashingtoIn 1964, he also received a Nobel Peace Prize — an event that galled certain people in high authority in Washingtoin high authority in Washingtoin Washington.
After an event where a lot of food was prepared, contact certain people who are short on food and plead for their help in «taking some of this food off our hands so we won't have to throw it away.»
«Things or persons can then be only certain stabilities or coherent - es in the flux of events.
Reflecting on the hullabaloo caused by the speech - event of Professor Chung Hyung Kyung at the seventh assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra, where certain people sneeringly dismissed her contribution as a marginal theology at the fringes of the world ecumenical movement, Robinson writes:
Whereas we usually think of things or people as individuals to which events happen, he advocates the converse proposition that things or persons are «certain stabilities... in the flux of events.
We have known for a long time that the ancient Israelite believed that through certain actions or rites he was able to be present at, and actually share in, the events of the past which had created his people's life and thus had made him what as a member of that nation he was: a man who belonged to «the chosen people of God».
In Professor Knox's terminology, the person of Christ has a certain kind of priority in the total event of ChrisIn Professor Knox's terminology, the person of Christ has a certain kind of priority in the total event of Chrisin the total event of Christ.
Every person at a youth sports event in an official capacity should be subject to certain standards, in the effort of protecting a vulnerable demographic.
But the sales tax is an always unsteady source of money and becomes especially so when certain events intervene, such as when the Great Recession hit in 2008 and people cut their purchases back big - time.
Simons has shown that people assigned to observe certain activities in a lab setting can totally miss other events occurring in the very same space.
The new finding is the latest evidence supporting a growing precision medicine model of psychiatric disease in which disruptions of certain genes during brain development contribute to a person's risk for multiple psychiatric disorders, with other genetic or epigenetic drivers, random developmental events, or environmental influences determining the specific disease an individual develops, said senior author Benjamin Cheyette, MD, PhD, an associate professor of psychiatry and a member of the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences and the Kavli Institute for Fundamental Neuroscience at UCSF.
Have doing some thinking as of recently on how current events taking place in a person's life in how certain choices are made of where the present locations are happing of how either straight forward in reasoning of decision making to move forward to even more complex layers of design of reasoning of rational thought to advance on to vast intricate levels of interweaving planing to proceed with life's journey.
Single people who live in Leeds or who just came here for a certain period of time are recommended to visit Leeds Carnival — it's amazing event and the biggest European venue with West Indian theme.
In the event that after a certain period you don't find another person, the succeeding periods may be free of charge.
Certain towns actually put together events to bring seniors together and such events can certainly be fine alternatives to online dating sites but such events are few and you are limited to only the people in your town.
While certain events occur early on in the game, there isn't an official end, which should mean people will be playing Stardew Valley for years to come.
The film could have better explained who some of the groups of people were in relation to each other and why certain actions could not be taken as events escalated.
«I'm not going to make a difference, I'm not going to change a thing,» concludes Ari late in the film, and while most people are afraid to admit it, that's pretty much the futile fate of every single person on this planet, regardless of what good one attempts to make of one's life (a certain recent outside event has certainly taught me that); it's just that Ari bears no illusions about himself or how the world works.
By Diana Maliszewski and Neil Andersen Certain events galvanize and inspire large groups of people to respond in a variety of ways.
I'm one of those people that takes tons of photographs so this helps my writing as I can easily go back to «check facts» of certain events in the past.
I have heard people often say that they would like to know what the future holds for them; knowing «What is to come» would perhaps give one a sense of control in circumventing certain events and endings.
In a series of famous experiments beginning in the 1970s, psychologist Ellen Langer showed that people often believe they have control over certain random eventIn a series of famous experiments beginning in the 1970s, psychologist Ellen Langer showed that people often believe they have control over certain random eventin the 1970s, psychologist Ellen Langer showed that people often believe they have control over certain random events.
There are some tiny grocery stores in certain villages, making it possible for people to prepare their own meals in the event of securing a vacation rental.
Encountering people in Melveille will trigger events, though only with certain characters.
In terms of in - game storytelling, the game has been crafted well, often flowing straight between gameplay and cinematic, sometimes taking you into a first - person view in certain situations, which gives you a more personal perspective in certain eventIn terms of in - game storytelling, the game has been crafted well, often flowing straight between gameplay and cinematic, sometimes taking you into a first - person view in certain situations, which gives you a more personal perspective in certain eventin - game storytelling, the game has been crafted well, often flowing straight between gameplay and cinematic, sometimes taking you into a first - person view in certain situations, which gives you a more personal perspective in certain eventin certain situations, which gives you a more personal perspective in certain eventin certain events.
There are certain events in this game that use the Gamepad, and in some of these events you can have multiple people competing at once.
While certain events occur early on in the game, there isn't an official end, which should mean people will be playing Stardew Valley for years to come.
His work is informed by political events taking place in his home city, although he does not intend his paintings to be politicised but motivated only by a desire to isolate these figures and capture «certain vibrations and optical stimuli» he observes in large gatherings of people.
I was, in fact, witness to the event (she wasn't even there) but due to certain registration paperwork she was the person named in the offence.
The insurance company promises it will pay the insured person a specific amount of money in case a certain event happens.
With the right system in place, you and your staff will have the ability to automatically route items, tasks, documents, and events to certain people based on their role in the case or matter, as well as manage... Read More»
With the right system in place, you and your staff will have the ability to automatically route items, tasks, documents, and events to certain people based on their role in the case or matter, as well as manage deadlines, improve responsiveness to clients, reduce malpractice insurance rates, and boost overall productivity.
People who are hurt on the job in either a single event or repeated exposures are usually entitled to receive certain benefits under California workers» compensation laws.
This is accomplished through the use of an «undertaking as to damages»: the person requesting the CPL must abide by any court - ordered damage award in the event that the registration of the CPL against the property unjustly caused damages to the party who owns the land, or to certain other persons.
In any event, even if the LSAT is sill required for mature students n Canada — once upon a time that was people who had been out of school for at least 5 years and over a certain age, I believe - the LSAT score isn't a gatekeeper.
Pure Endowment A life insurance contract that provides payment only upon survival of the insured to a certain date and not in the event of that person's prior death.
If the unplanned events covered by the insurance policy occur, the insurance company will pay the person with the insurance policy a certain amount of money as set out in the rules of the plan.
Life Insurance is a policy provided by an insurance company, according to which in exchange for your premium payments, the insurer is obliged to pay a certain sum (a lump sum or portions of smaller sums) to your beneficiary (persons you choose) in the event of your death.
Required for certain Florida drivers, Bodily Injury Liability Insurance (BIL) helps pay for serious or permanent injury (or death) to other people in the event you are at fault in an accident.
While this may certainly discourage certain people who might look upon life insurance as an investment, it definitely provides peace of mind to someone who does not have adequate savings to secure his / her family financially in the event of his / her untimely death.
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