Sentences with phrase «certain group of people»

Disclaimer: Please, mind that the content of the videos and screenshots below may be inappropriate for certain groups of people.
Certain groups of people in cities are disproportionately vulnerable.
In some cases, not all, they do seem to me to be taking advantage of certain groups of people.
But since the signs of attraction are not exclusive to only certain groups of people, I'm going to show you 5 obvious signs any woman is into a guy.
What scholar right from the beginning excludes certain groups of people from criticizing his or her work?
It is a commentary on blind hatred towards certain groups of people or entities that we simply don't understand.
One emerging narrative is that we should be suspicious when certain groups of people question our policy preferences.
And racism results from bias in institutional policies, procedures, and practices that favor or disadvantage certain groups of people.
Any given life insurance company will excel at insuring certain groups of people.
Irrespective of how rich or poor people are, there are certain groups of people who always want «value for money» and they will often choose Amazon.
While stereotyping is normal, it can result in snap judgments that reinforce negative preconceived notions about certain groups of people, exacerbating the impact of bias on our judgment and decision - making.
Here at Ft Knox they hold different music events that appeal to certain groups of people so why not a group that appeals to Christians?
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 9, 2017 (HealthDay News)-- Rates of drinking and alcohol abuse are increasing in the United States, especially among certain groups of people, a new study suggests.
Right now it's a mishmash of credits and programs used to help certain groups of people.
Facebook still allows for discriminatory housing advertisements despite past promises to remove tools that allow landlords and brokers to exclude certain groups of people from seeing their listings, a new...
It is specifically designed for certain groups of people not for all those who just want a large - screen iPad.
Medicare is a federal health insurance program that allows certain groups of people to get healthcare coverage without purchasing individual insurance plans or enrolling in a group health plan, such as an employer's health plan.
If you manage to define «doing more than average for society» in a way that will be as clear as a trusted justice system and will not have certain groups of people calling for your head (on a platter), congratulations, we've successfully moved on to plural voting.
There clearly is a sense of purging... of implementing policies to purge certain groups of people from this country.»
«Personally I think these niche dating sites, ones that are just catering to a small, confined certain group of people, don't have much lasting potential,» Pedersen said.
As a followup to my two posts last week on mid-year withholding checkup and estimated tax checkup, I found another notice from the IRS last week that pointed out there are certain groups of people really need to do a checkup.
Lower, lighter reliefs congregate at the top of the prints, while larger, higher, darker elements collect near the bottom, suggesting gravitational pull or the way certain groups of people bunch up in particular parts of cities.
Can Quebec legally or practically refrain from accommodating certain groups of people in the face of massive shifts in demographics that have threatened Quebecers» traditional Catholic identity, even as public agencies and municipal councils across the province refuse to remove Christian iconography from their buildings?
Many of Bowes» clients in the 25 - 35 year range have an interest in living green, but it may be because she attracts certain groups of people with similar values, she says.
It raises the question of why the interests of certain groups of people, such as hunters, anglers, trappers, hikers, and birdwatchers, should have precedence over the interests of home owners, automobile drivers, golfers, and bottled water consumers.
Nor is it known, definitively, whether different types of points were associated with only certain groups of people, or whether with the same groups used certain point types to specialize on particular kinds of game or hunting practices.
In addition, pay attention to any contra - indications for certain groups of people such as in pregnancy or with the elderly or children.
I'm simply saying that if a church starts excluding certain groups of people, there's no reason the leadership can't find a reason to put you on the exclusion list any time they want.
The MBNA Alaska Airlines card is a good card for certain groups of people.
In fact, the researchers found that for certain groups of people — such as those who started out with a certain minimum amount of vitamin D already in their blood — adding more vitamin D was actually tied with a slightly greater risk of hip fractures.
But while this move may appeal to a certain group of people, it has the chance to alienate everyone else.
«It was that idea that there was some fixed number of jobs and that they had to go to a certain group of people.
Note the important point brought up about using Facebook's filters to post updates to certain groups of people.
«As a granddaughter, daughter, niece, wife and sister of a veteran, I find it shameful for the president to deem a certain group of people as unqualified to serve in our military... A person should not be deemed unfit to lay down their life for their country based on their gender identity.»
If there is one thing that annoys a certain group of people in my Twitter bubble about Stephen Poloz, it's the Bank of Canada governor's perceived complacency in the face of what these people see as imminent economic disaster.
Besides the fact that this is supposed to be restricted to your own dead family members (which is why genealogy is so important to Mormons), it is specifically not supposed to be done to certain groups of people.
I agree with Michael, the world doesn't stop for a certain group of people.
Given the history of medical experimentation and the lack of access to medical resources for certain groups of people, we must be especially concerned that women, racial and ethnic minorities, prisoners, and the poor are not exploited as a result of this research or of human cloning itself.
You seem to feel that I am intolerant of a certain group of people?
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