Sentences with phrase «certain gut bacteria»

In addition to diet and exercise, certain gut bacteria are correlated with, and potentially contribute to, numerous health conditions.
Nevertheless, some studies have shown that probiotics can improve how certain gut bacteria function, as well as the types of chemicals they produce (54).
Doctors don't know exactly what causes celiac disease, but a history of certain gastrointestinal infections or the presence or lack of certain gut bacteria could play a factor.
Certain gut bacteria can supercharge the benefits of soy foods, resulting in even more bone protection, better control of menopausal symptoms, and lower prostate cancer risk.
Now, a new study points to certain gut bacteria that can turn a nutrient in red meat into a disease - fostering chemical.
Rheumatoid arthritis patients have less diversity in their gut microbes than does the general population, and appear to have an abundance of certain gut bacteria whose numbers are rare in healthy people.
The product affected certain gut bacteria without changing the global composition of the microbial community.
A new study at the University of Oregon, led by postdoctoral fellow Annah Rolig, took aim at that question with experiments in zebrafish to dissect whether changes in the abundance of certain gut bacteria can cause intestinal inflammation.
When scientists reported 2 years ago that mice with certain gut bacteria responded best to a powerful new type of cancer drug, other researchers were intrigued but cautious — mice, after all, aren't humans.
Now it is becoming clear that certain gut bacteria can positively influence our mood and behaviour.
If the results are right, and if certain gut bacteria are necessary for MS, they could serve as the basis for microbiome - based therapy or even prevention of the disease.

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The idea behind the pills is simple: foster the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and curb the growth of the bad bacteria to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even lower rates of certain diseases.
We have kefir pretty much every day, so I'm pretty certain I get all the good gut bacteria I need, even if it is with dairy.
Cultured dairy foods like yogurt contain probiotics which can enhance the good bacteria in the gut, improve health and reduce the risk of certain diseases.
Additionally, certain chemical sweeteners such as sucralose have been shown to destroy our healthy gut bacteria, which act as one of our primary immune defense systems.
The bottom line is that nobody knows what causes colic for certain, but one theory is that affected babies have problems with the types of microflora (micro-organisms like bacteria) in their gut.
Our cover story, «The Ultimate Social Network,» by Jennifer Ackerman, describes the efforts to map our human microbiome — no easy feat when certain critters, such as the gut bacteria that prosper in an oxygen - free environment, are challenging to grow in petri dishes in a laboratory.
Next the team wants to see if probiotic drugs can cultivate certain types of bacteria in the gut, and therefore fine - tune microRNA levels in specific parts of the brain.
While further research is needed to confirm the identity of the cancer - promoting bacteria, the findings suggest it may be possible to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer in genetically susceptible individuals by removing certain types of gut bacteria.
Past research has looked at links between disease and the presence or absence of certain classes of bacteria in the gut.
Studying the rodents more carefully, the researchers determined that Clostridia were having a surprising effect on the mouse gut: Acting through certain immune cells, the bacteria helped keep peanut proteins that can cause allergic reactions out of the bloodstream.
«These pathways are unique in the sense that they are only present in certain bacteria and only function during gut inflammation.
«We identified certain bacteria which are increased or decreased in the gut of patients with MS compared to healthy controls,» he says.
People with heart disorders also have higher than average levels of certain bacteria, according to genomic sequencing of the human gut.
Because gut bacteria can make the very chemicals that brain cells use to communicate, the idea makes a certain amount of sense.
These studies demonstrate that inflammatory intestinal pathologies, such as Hirschsprung - associated enterocolitis or inflammatory bowel disease, can be explained as an overgrowth of certain pro-inflammatory groups of bacteria or a loss of anti-inflammatory bacteria, said Judith Eisen, a professor of biology and an expert on gut neurons in zebrafish.
In the journal Nature, Manuela Raffatellu, associate professor of microbiology & molecular genetics, and colleagues provide the first evidence that small protein molecules called microcins, produced by beneficial gut microbes, play a critical part in blocking certain illness - causing bacteria in inflamed intestines.
However, a new study reports the first definitive molecular evidence that certain bacteria, found in the guts of a common pantry pest, can thrive on polyethylene and break it apart (Environ.
«Usually, the gut is very selective about letting only certain elements from what we eat and drink into our blood — thanks to good bacteria,» explains Chatterjee.
Gajewski says doctors need to start analysing people's gut flora and working out if certain types of bacteria affect the clinical benefit or toxicity of treatments.
However, certain features of the termite lifestyle mean that they are also prone to horizontal transmission of gut bacteria.
Exposing the samples from the blood bank to peptide sequences from certain gut and soil bacteria and a species of ocean algae resulted in an immune response to HIV (Immunology,
The human gut harbors many beneficial microorganisms, including certain bacteria called probiotics.
Prebiotics like oligofructose can not be digested by rodents or humans, but they are welcome treats for certain types of beneficial gut bacteria, like Bifidobacteria.
There were even hints that those genes might work by creating an environment that encouraged certain bacteria to move into our guts.
The bacteria grows in the gut of certain species of leafhoppers known as sharpshooters — small, winged insects that feed on plant sap.
Much like our gut relies on active probiotics and other gut bacteria to restore health, the biome of the skin needs to maintain certain bacteria on the skin for health.
Even certain symptoms of autism are now being linked to disturbances in gut bacteria.
The beneficial bacteria in yogurt helps seed the gut with organisms that serve as an early line of defense against cold viruses, and certain strains of Lactobacilli have been shown to block the replication of viruses once they enter your system.
So you eat, let's say some onions, the bacteria in your gut after a certain amount of hours it «s gonna start producing methane or hydrogen - based gases that will create either bloating or — or flatulence or gas or indigestion and you'll tend to know more frequently, again the problem is I've seen patients cut out gluten, still have other higher FODMAP foods like cruciferous vegetables or broccoli or onion, and their symptoms are gone.
For instance, obese individuals tend to have identifiable proportions of certain bacteria in their guts that are different from the proportions in thin people.
The, certain bacteria, the unhealthy ones, if you will, gram negative bacteria, in the gut produce what's called an endotoxin.
Leaky gut refers to when large particles, like gluten or certain bacteria, escape the intestine, venture into areas they don't belong, and elicit an immune response.
«Together, these findings highlight the important role of bacteria in the bidirectional communication of the gut - brain axis and suggest that certain organisms may prove to be useful therapeutic adjuncts in stress - related disorders such as anxiety and depression,» the authors concluded.
Certain good bacteria in our gut can turn the fiber we eat into an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer compound — called butyrate — that we absorb back into our system.
And, if we don't have the bacteria in our guts to handle certain foods (some people can't digest meat well), could it be that digestive enzymes provide a fix?
The function of these good bacteria helps all of the following: the immune system; proper digestion and absorption; food allergy / sensitivity reduction; production of certain vitamins and nutrients - such as vitamin K, choline, fatty acids, and more; and prevention of bad bacteria / pathogens from overpopulating the gut.
«Together, these findings highlight the important role of bacteria in the bidirectional communication of the gut - brain axis and suggest that certain organisms may prove to be useful therapeutic adjuncts in stress - related disorders such as anxiety and depression.»
Another study of healthy women examined their gut bacteria composition and found that those with more of a certain bacteria group displayed higher levels of anxiety, stress, and irritability when they were shown certain negative images.
But, did you also know that certain kinds of fibre also feed the good bacteria (probiotics) in your gut?
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