Sentences with phrase «certain kind of book»

But, for those who want to follow a trend, I think that's okay too because in this day and age with self publishing, it's highly possible to get work out there while readers are still looking for a certain kind of book.
These publishers almost always specialize in a certain kind of book.
That exact scenario happened to one of my authors — she had been approached by a smaller publisher who wanted a certain kind of book from her.
Specific descriptive information that includes terms like «beach read» or «authoritative biography» will help put the book title on the radar of readers who are looking for a certain kind of book.
That jibes with what Stewart suggests, that certain kinds of books — genre stuff like fan fiction or romance — work better digitally, but print is still a more desirable way to digest the really good meaty writing.
If he doesn't want certain kinds of books being sold in his store, he will keep them out.
Amazon has used its monopsony power, and its ability to threaten punishment, to extract an ever greater share of the total price of a book from publishers, which has resulted in less revenue to support midlist authors and certain kinds of books, effectively silencing many voices.
The notion there was that certain kinds of books — very image - heavy books where the design is page - like design — certain kinds of children's books — that fixed layout was a good solution for that.
HarperCollins group digital director and publisher David Roth - Ey spoke with New Media Age about the recent consideration, saying, «Certain kinds of books create immersive reading experiences whereby ads would be too interruptive for readers, and publishers and even advertisers aren't likely to put a premium on that.
Only certain kinds of books have the internal structure that suits this purpose.
And that such things may result in gatekeeper actions where some kids may not be able to check out certain kinds of books.
With this monopoly or near - monopoly they can dictate terms to publishers or dictate what gets published: Amazon is great at selling certain kinds of books but not others (trade paperbacks, lit fiction that needs «discovery»; mid list from writers who lack a social media or publicity «platform»), and the more Amazon dominates the market, the less viable it becomes to publish books in those categories.

Not exact matches

Just because a business plan book tells you to buy a certain kind of service or product doesn't mean there aren't new and inventive players in the industry bringing down the costs.
On that page, I explain that according to the book of Hebrews, one reason Jesus came was to redeem sin, and especially a certain kind of sin, the parabainō type of sin.
Over and over I go back once more to the same memories, none available in this way to any other stream of experiences; always, if I want to, I can recall that I had such and such a mother and father, brothers and sister, went to such and such schools, read certain books, etc., etc., through countless items of the kind.
But others thought and expected they'd be married with kids by a certain age but didn't find a good partner, as Melanie Nokin details in her new book Otherhood: Modern Women Finding A New Kind of Happiness.
There is a pervasive idea that kids have to be a certain way by a certain age, and the plethora of parenting books that purport to teach you how to get your kid to sleep through the night by two weeks old (exaggerating) and what - not make parenting seem like some kind of technically - challenging secret thing, rather than just paying attention to your kid.
The book, they felt, had lodged in the culture certain stereotypes about an Asian parenting style that was not well - studied or well - understood and certainly not ready to be held up as some kind of model.
When you walk into a store, you can tap your phone on certain NFC - enabled books or toys and unlock special features in the game, kind of by magic.
There's a certain kind of stress that comes with watching a favorite book get adapted into movies, and I can only imagine that the process must be even more nerve - wracking for the authors of those books.
This is one of those awards that is a good indicator of how the Academy Awards nominations are going to fall when the time comes, so a certain comic book movie getting a nomination is kind of a big deal.
As a side effect, it was exactly the kind of book that a certain kind of brooding, pretentious dude got a little too obsessed with in high school.
It's also not the kind of movie that would normally interest me, but between the casting of Shailene Woodley and the almost unanimous admiration for the John Green novel on which it's based, there's a certain air to the project that suggests it'll be much better than the typical young adult book adaptation.
Maurice Van Lowe, a 4th grader at Burning Tree Elementary School in Bethesda, Md., reads in his classroom using Bookshare, a nonprofit electronic service that converts books into more accessible formats for students with certain kinds of disabilities.
I have a hunch, though, that some kind of screening process will evolve among book reviewers, perhaps around some version of nepotism / networking — either where outlets within certain «elite» lit communities will begin reviewing talented self - published people who are also connected with the same communities — or sufficient numbers of intrepid bloggers will have the tenacity to weed through the jungle and sniff out the good stuff to review, creating a critical mass of well - reviewed, non-tradionally published authors.
I've been in nearly every book advance scenario possible, and I've come to realize that there are certain myths and misunderstandings that are weighing on authors and their expectations about what kind of book advances for first - time authors are even possible.
And you run the risk of your book not being taken seriously (I know certain authors aren't taken seriously by traditional media outlets simply because they know what kind of people they run with).
ARCs should be sent to someone in your public library system, to media such as Publishers Weekly and Booklist, and certain other media who are likely to review the kind of book you've written.
It's a way of crowdsourcing research and editing for your book, with immediate feedback that can be highly useful for certain kinds of writing.
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It's the kind of book that sets up readers» expectations about a certain kind of «genre fiction,» and then completely upends those assumptions, resulting in something both unexpected and thoroughly satisfying.
Yes, I think the snarki - ness has to do with certain types of writers thinking that other kinds of writers are beneath them, and that the readers of the books written by those writers are simple minded.
Non-literary readers have long wondered why readers (and writers) of literary fiction are drawn toward «certain kinds» of books, whether they be difficult to read — as in Ulysses by James Joyce — stylistically unique, which can also make them difficult (think Thomas Pynchon) or just plain boring as in... well, I can't name anything, because I happen to enjoy literary fiction and I DO N'T think it's boring.
There's actually the kind of negative review I like, where the person reviewing it says they don't like certain things that are actually the selling point of the book.
This can be useful for certain kinds of highly - designed content (illustrated children's books, digital magazines, etc.) that are designed to be consumed only on a larger - screen device, such as a tablet.
Some methods seem to be better suited for certain kinds of material, but this book will survey the methods and you can make up your own mind what works best for you.
Grants do exist, but they have rules, just like a publisher only printing certain genres, an agent only representing specific kinds of books, or a magazine preferring exact topics.
That is the one thing that a traditional publisher, they ensure that your book maintains a certain level of trade level discount, and returnability, and those kinds of things.
-- SLJ, starred review»... Miles is a witty narrator who manages to be credible as the overlooked kid, but he's also an articulate spokesperson for the legions of teen searching for life meaning (his taste for famous last words is a believable and entertaining quirk), and the Colonel's smarts, clannish loyalties, and relentlessly methodological approach to problems make him a true original... There's a certain recursive fitness here, since this is exactly the kind of book that makes kids like Miles certain that boarding school will bring them their destiny, but perceptive readers may also realize that their own lives await the discovery of meaning even as they vicariously experience Miles» quest.»
Usually when you think of business eBooks a certain type of cover comes to mind, same goes for when you think of romance novels or mystery books, they all follow a certain design layout that help us recognize what kind of book we're dealing with.
The Millionaire Next Door is a flawed book rife with confirmation bias (it's obvious that a certain kind of millionaire would best respond to the authors» incentives), but you should still read it, even for the inspiration factor alone.
Many credit cards automatically offer certain kinds of travel insurance when you book that travel on the card.
It depends on the kind of book you're writing, what you're trying to disclose or explain, whether you're going to have someone representing a certain style or a certain era or a certain whatever.
It's — in a certain sense — kind of a comic book idea.
But the good news is that relationship — a certain kind of relationship — can also provide us with the very opportunities we need to heal, grow, and transform old childhood wounds, more so than any book or seminar ever will.
There's an certain kind of verve in that industry, whether textbooks (as was my career), general books, magazines, or newspapers.
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