Sentences with phrase «certain kind of object»

So: Beliefs regarding fairies concern a certain kind of object that may or may not exist within the world, and such beliefs have much the same sort of intentional and rational shape as beliefs regarding the neighbors over the hill or whether there are such things as black swans.

Not exact matches

In SCT par.36, Collingwood makes a distinction between eternal objects of historical thought and Whitehead's eternal objects and examines their relation: «The eternal objects of historical thought are concrete eternal objects, e.g., the revolution of 1688; Whitehead's eternal objects are abstract eternal objects, e.g. a certain kind of blueness, or (returning to 1688) the exact configuration of the splash made when James II threw the Great Seal into the Thames.
After all, the states bore a residual authority to object, on moral grounds, to certain kinds of marriages» as in the case, for example, of incestuous unions.
He states that a man may have immediate awarenesses of two kinds: intuitive awareness of his own thoughts and feelings and sympathetic awareness of certain changes in parts of his body.21 The second type of direct human awareness involves the principle that the objects immediately known in sensation or perception are always objects inside the body and never objects outside the body.
BOX 15, A-15-6; 30219214 / 734997 SAPA Part B - 1st Draft, c. 1972 Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, JRM Observing - Observing the Weather Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance, JE Alternate Auto - Instructional, Measuring 1 - 4 / Measuring Area, Gillis Classifying - Trees in our Environment, JRM, c. 1972 AAAS - Xerox Film Loops Guide, A11 Exercises - Shapes and Symmetry, Hansen, 1972 SAPA Part B - 1st Draft, 1972 Observing - Observing Color and Color Changes in Plants, HM Communicating - Identifying Objects and their Variations, RN Communicating - Different Kinds of Forces, AHL Communicating - Graphs, JRM Classifying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things, Smith Using Space / Time Classifying - Animals in Our Environment: Part B (alternate) Using Space / Time - Shadows, Smtih Alternate (Autoinstructional)- Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line Observing - Observing Soils, JRM SAPA Part B 2nd Draft, 1972 Measuring Area 1 - 4, CCP Measuring 1 - 4, Volume of Solids, Alternate 2, CCP Measuring 1 - 4, Volume of Solids, Alternate 1, CCP Measuring Length 4 - 6, Linear Measurement Using Metric Units, CCP Communicating - Intro to Graphing, JRM Communicating - Pushes and Pulls, AHL Communicating - Identifying Objects and Their Variations, RN Classifying - Trees in Our Environment, JRM Classufying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things, Smith Observing - Observing Color and Color Changes in Plants and Observing Changes in Mold Gardens, HGM Observing (alternate)- Observation, Using Several of the Senses, HGM, c. 1972 Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, JRM Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance, JWE Using Space / Time - Shadows, Smith Using Space / Time Relationships - Time Intervals, HGM Observing 10 - Observing the Weather, JWE Observing - Observing Soils Using Several of the Senses, JRM SAPA Part B Tryout Draft, 1972 Communicating - The Same but Different Observing 10 - Observing the Weather Observing 9A - Observing Soils Observing (alternate)- Using Several of the Senses Observing - Observing Change Classifying - Trees in Our Environment Classifying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things SAPA Part B, Observing - Changes in Molds and Other Plants, c. 1972 SAPA Part B Tryout Draft, 1972 Observing - Observing Changes in Plants Observing - Changes in Mold and Green Plants Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance Measuring Length - Linear Measurement Using Metric Units Measuring Volumes of Solids, 1 - 4 Communicating - Pushes and Pulls Comparing Area, c. 1972 Using Space / Time Relationships - Shadows, 1972 Addition of Postive Numbers, Sums 1 - 99 (not being tried) SAPA Part B 3rd Draft (alternate), Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, 1972 SAPA Part C 1st Draft, 1972 Classifying - Classifying Components of Mixtures, Livermore Inferring 2 - How Certain Can You Be?
Under certain circumstances, objects illuminated by some kinds of fluorescent lights will appear to rotate backwards to the naked eye.
If I'm trying to describe a certain kind of game, one where you wander, examine objects, and use them to mentally piece together a story, 2013's Gone Home is the first example I reach for.
A drive to purchase one's way into a certain social caste, a longing to share (if momentarily) in the risks of bohemian life or art's intellectual adventure, a belief in art as a kind of religion (its icons compelling sacrifice), a need to cushion one's surroundings with objects of beauty or significance — who can say what complex motives go into the acquisition of works of art?
The work of Nina Canell attempts to activate an intersection between humans, objects and events whereby a certain kind of material imagination might be articulated.
The founder of the innovative architectural firm metaxy, he imagines «genetic architects» creating buildings and other objects that can build themselves, that are endowed with a certain kind of intelligence, and that make up a massive «self - aware» built ecosystem.
Some actions you can take include paying off more of your mortgage, choosing a higher deductible, foregoing certain kinds of coverage, improving security and weather protection on your home, buying in a safer neighborhood, and getting rid of dangerous objects in your home, like trampolines.
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