Sentences with phrase «certain kinds of»

Or maybe tuna tartare or certain kinds of sushi?
But LiDestri couldn't provide certain kinds of fresh products without the help of HPP.
It may also help aide in preventing certain kinds of cancers.
The effort to characterize construals of the Christian thing in the particular cultural and social locations that make them concrete will involve several disciplines: (a) those of the intellectual historian and textual critic (to grasp what the congregation says it is responding to in its worship and why); and (b) those of the cultural anthropologist and the ethnographer [3] and certain kinds of philosophical work [4](to grasp how the congregation shapes its social space by its uses of scripture, by its uses of traditions of worship and patterns of education and mutual nurture, and by the «logic «of its discourse); and (c) those of the sociologist and social historian (to grasp how the congregation's location in its host society and culture helps shape concretely its distinctive construal of the Christian thing).
I'm sure Putnam is right that there's been a decline in certain kinds of organizations like bowling leagues.
One of the ways in which certain kinds of texts or discourse close down the array of possible meanings, says Suleiman, is through sheer repetition.
For instance, the long range destructive effects of certain kinds of diet or of certain kinds of activity might not be observable except over several generations.
Others suggest that certain kinds of infinite regress are possible, so that because everything has a cause it does not follow that there is a first cause.
He decides that it must be the fourth drink that causes him to lose control, or certain kinds of drinks that cause him trouble.
Most of the people that follow me on Twitter are pastors, and sometimes I only talk to certain kinds of pastors — I've tweeted out «youth pastors,» «small church pastors,» and «church planters.»
This general intuition of mystery may be brought to explicitness if we look at certain kinds of questions that differ from the ordinary but which we are quite likely to ask only at the «limits» of our ordinary problem - solving.
Because public opinion supporting certain kinds of abortion is close to unanimous; it was formed before the 1973 Supreme Court decision; and the majority that have come of sexual age since that year now take for granted that fertility decisions are to be made only by the individuals involved.
Survival needs would seem to require no more than a little arithmetic, some elementary Euclidean geometry and the ability to make certain kinds of simple logical association.
On the other hand, certain kinds of development do foster reduction in the birthrate.
Its references are to certain kinds of homosexual acts.
Whereas we commonly understand religion and theology as beginning with an inner and personal experience that only later seeks a community or tradition, the postliberal asserts that the community's ways of speaking and acting, its rites and rituals, its patterns of life and behavior shape and indeed make possible certain kinds of experience.
Listening to these self - declared moralists and traditionalists, it seems to me I hear from time to time a little satisfaction in the sober fact that God, as our cultures have variously received him through the Hebrew scriptures, seems to loathe, actually abominate, certain kinds of transgression.
The priority Aristotle assigns to Substance (ousia) is a recurrent — systematic --- commitment exemplified in certain kinds of characteristic inferences which are tolerated and compelled by the system.
It acknowledges that a person's inheritance does have a causal influence over him, and that in a very minimal degree he may appropriately take on certain responsibilities from his ancestors and enjoy certain kinds of inheritances from them, because he is really related to them.
It is not only that in committing oneself to another we take the risks of certain kinds of suffering.
Certain kinds of knowledge are especially useful to the family.
For it is not a descriptive but a normative issue — namely, what should we be so that we can be morally enhanced by certain kinds of sexual activity?
The supportive - adaptive approach is based on the premise that there are only certain kinds of «insights» that a person in crisis can use.
«There is nothing like a good shock of pain,» writes C.S. Lewis in The Silver Chair, «for dissolving certain kinds of magic.»
The results of a survey conducted by Premier Christianity magazine show a prevalence of certain kinds of domestic violence within the UK Church.
Only certain kinds of human activities, relationships, and patterns of organization are possible, and the moral order is an expression of these various structures together with principles upon which certain preferences may be established among them.
It has been found that there are certain kinds of weaving stitches which it can do, but it never, for instance, ties a proper knot.
There are great differences among these three spokes - persons for social possibility and pathology, but they all focus on the fact that societies have ways in which to articulate and distort certain kinds of truth that make human life possible Or problematic.
It may involve consideration of the ethical dimension of certain kinds of research.
If all this added up to certain kinds of discomfort that would have seemed somewhat peculiar to our Eastern big - city cousins — childhood friendships, for example, that unspokenly and mysteriously evaporated in adolescence — in some respects we were also far more at ease than they.
«We all know that if you engage in certain kinds of exercise on a regular basis you can strengthen certain muscle groups in predictable ways,» Davidson says in his office at the University of Wisconsin, where his research team has hosted scores of Buddhist monks and other meditators for brain scans.
We can be agnostic about certain kinds of gods, but that sort of classic theistic god has way too much counter-evidence to seriously pretend to be agnostic — yet alone believe without great feats of mental gymnastic compromises.
Unless belief engenders a specific set of affections, and leads to certain kinds of behavior, these theologians would say, the gospel has been misunderstood.
Here, the idea is not that the person in authority knows better than other people, but that certain kinds of human activity require the coordinated action of many human beings, and the easiest way (often the only practical way) to get such coordination is to set up one person to give directions to others.
• There is an «unlovely tendency» in certain kinds of liberalism, writes Peter Berkowitz in the Wilson Quarterly, to assume that people who disagree with you are simply unreasonable.
Mr. Carson points out that the term «chaos theory» is a misnomer because it is based on a mathematically demonstrable set of conclusions regarding certain kinds of determinate but complex physical systems.
It firmly opposes those views which from its perspective imply certain kinds of coercion within divine power.
Q. O.K., this is speculative, but speculation based on what's given in the text and what is known of certain kinds of functional paralysis today.
He has not really addressed the fact that the notion of climate, as distinct from the notion of weather, is not concerned with particular features of a single trajectory or history, but with the fact that there are some general features about certain kinds of time and system averages over many trajectories - and that these average features tend to show certain kinds of regularity or slow secular variation that are not apparent in a single trajectory (the term secular here has a technical meaning, not the common one of «not religious»).
As one psychologist explained it, «It's a vicious circle where both poverty seems linked to greater rates of mental illness, and in some cases, certain kinds of mental illness seem linked to a greater likelihood of living in poverty.»
He believed that his necessity could be turned to spiritual gain: that there were certain kinds of sympathy and understanding, a certain social role which mere men and mere women could not give.
Conditions make certain kinds of decisions more likely and more possible.
Evolution, as Darwin and Wallace originally conceived it, accounts for the emergence of certain kinds of order within the universe, whose existence and order are presupposed.
Young people who volunteer or participate in certain kinds of service are more civically engaged as adults, and there are movements afoot to increase these kinds of experiences among youth.
First off, let me say that asking the Big Question, worrying with some consistency about the meaning of life and final ends is only for certain kinds of people.
Certain kinds of love transcend the bounds of justice, but can one thereby say that a finer and nobler beauty or goodness has not been attained?
After all, the states bore a residual authority to object, on moral grounds, to certain kinds of marriages» as in the case, for example, of incestuous unions.
Many young families were in retreat from certain kinds of church experience and the refreshing secularism of the new approach was welcome.
Studies comparing different languages suggest that some languages are better than others at sensitizing us to certain kinds of experience.
These agriculturalists of the insect world feed exclusively on certain kinds of fungi which they cultivate in subterranean «gardens» on especially collected pieces of leaves and other plant parts.
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