Sentences with phrase «certain kinds of books»

If he doesn't want certain kinds of books being sold in his store, he will keep them out.
Only certain kinds of books have the internal structure that suits this purpose.
HarperCollins group digital director and publisher David Roth - Ey spoke with New Media Age about the recent consideration, saying, «Certain kinds of books create immersive reading experiences whereby ads would be too interruptive for readers, and publishers and even advertisers aren't likely to put a premium on that.
With this monopoly or near - monopoly they can dictate terms to publishers or dictate what gets published: Amazon is great at selling certain kinds of books but not others (trade paperbacks, lit fiction that needs «discovery»; mid list from writers who lack a social media or publicity «platform»), and the more Amazon dominates the market, the less viable it becomes to publish books in those categories.
My guess is that some traditional publishing houses will find new models, or variations anyway; we may reach the point in a few years (give or take) where only some imprints are still handled the traditional way, perhaps for certain kinds of books (literary fiction would be my prediction).
That jibes with what Stewart suggests, that certain kinds of books — genre stuff like fan fiction or romance — work better digitally, but print is still a more desirable way to digest the really good meaty writing.
Don't worry if they're not classics; the idea is to develop a love of reading, not a love of reading a certain kind of book.
Specific descriptive information that includes terms like «beach read» or «authoritative biography» will help put the book title on the radar of readers who are looking for a certain kind of book.
Amazon has used its monopsony power, and its ability to threaten punishment, to extract an ever greater share of the total price of a book from publishers, which has resulted in less revenue to support midlist authors and certain kinds of books, effectively silencing many voices.
The notion there was that certain kinds of books — very image - heavy books where the design is page - like design — certain kinds of children's books — that fixed layout was a good solution for that.
That exact scenario happened to one of my authors — she had been approached by a smaller publisher who wanted a certain kind of book from her.
And that such things may result in gatekeeper actions where some kids may not be able to check out certain kinds of books.
Now, other genres are demonstrating at least a fraction of the hunger that romance fans have shown for e-reading, which begs the question: is there something about reading a book on a small electronic screen that is just suited to certain kinds of books?
She thinks so for certain kinds of books.
No one was told that only a certain kind of book could be recommended.
But, for those who want to follow a trend, I think that's okay too because in this day and age with self publishing, it's highly possible to get work out there while readers are still looking for a certain kind of book.
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