Sentences with phrase «certain kinds of differences»

By applying sophisticated mathematical models, geneticists can estimate how long it takes for certain kinds of differences to arise.

Not exact matches

People of different ethnicities have differences in behavior therefore a different kind of participation and get a different reaction to certain situations.
He gave one couple (the very first couple) the option to eat a certain kind of fruit that gave the mystical and yet unattained power of knowing the difference between good and bad.
The research of James S. Coleman and his colleagues confirms the finding of the Kauai group that, for a child whose family is weak or broken, a certain kind of school can make a remarkable difference.
There are great differences among these three spokes - persons for social possibility and pathology, but they all focus on the fact that societies have ways in which to articulate and distort certain kinds of truth that make human life possible Or problematic.
I was hoping for some more detailed and nuanced information, for example differences in populations of available children, differences in ability to discriminate against certain kinds of potential adoptive or foster parents (e.g., single, non-Christian, gay, etc.), differences in whom prospective parents work with (attorney?
Bad Credit Bank Accounts are just like any bank account, the only difference is that certain banks, smaller ones, have fewer requirements than others and thus make available this kind of account packages for people with bad credit.
If certain kinds of illnesses are excluded then that can literally mean the difference wealth and bankruptcy; maybe life and death.
Boston terrier puppies grow with certain differences and although most of them grow little by little, there are others that grow very quickly and can look kind of uneven and ugly looking temporarily.
Basic dog nutrition is the same across the board, though there are some differences in energy needs and certain breeds may benefit from certain kinds of diets based on their health profile.
I mean a huge example would be Driveclub game got a huge graphical upgrade, everything from higher textures to better normal maps, global illumination, advanced weather systems, drip maps, reflections shadows and improved lighting but most gamers didn't notice it, maybe cause a lot of gamers think crushed blacks and or certain lighting affects look better then others kind of like console gamers who claim they cant see the difference in 30 and 60 fps or even weird cases of gamers saying 120 fps is not noticeable or even worse then 60 fps.
Human characters are all nearly equal in versatility, but certain stat differences will determine who is given what kind of role in a squad.
There are some subtle differences in procedure between state court and federal court, and there are certain kinds of cases that are only tried in federal court (e.g. immigration cases).
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