Sentences with phrase «certain kinds of loans»

However, certain kinds of loans, both secured and unsecured, are considered «good debt» if they help you generate income and increases your net worth.
Some set unusually high standards and other simply do not make certain kinds of loans.
But never assume that a certain kind of loan is not available through a peer - to - peer platform somewhere; new sites are coming up all the time, and some are moving into previously unexplored territory.

Not exact matches

Loans with low down payment requirements and flexibility for borrowers with certain kinds of credit problems.
Still, these loans may provide certain tax advantages that are not available with other kinds of credit.
In order to qualify for this kind of loans you need to meet certain requirements.
And they may provide you with certain tax advantages unavailable with other kinds of loans.
There are variations of this kind of loan where after a certain period of time the interest only installments turn into «principle & interest» installments and thus the principal is also returned in monthly payments.
While we publish content about various loan products and may discuss certain tax and financial considerations, generally we do not provide tax or financial advice of any kind.
But there are also certain loans that are targeted to helping you pay off particular kinds of debt.
So, coming up with a bi-law that says look if there's a already a payday loan established in a neighbourhood, the next one closest to it can't be at less 400 metres away to kind of physically separate the institutions from one another»cause they have a tendency to kind of conglomerate in certain neighbourhoods sometimes.
In one kind, called income - driven repayment (IDR) plans, after borrowers make monthly payments (which are calculated as a percentage of income) for a certain period, usually 20 years, the outstanding balance of their loans is forgiven.
Initially at least, they may provide you with large amounts of cash at relatively low interest rates and they may provide you with certain tax advantages unavailable with other kinds of loans.
[I look at certain funds, and shudder — I have to wonder how many of their investors think they've bought into some kind of low - risk loan fund].
Lenders have been known to make up for the riskiness of a loan by charging higher rates or fees to the borrower, while during other times they may lower the rates to attract a certain kind of buyer.
There is also the not - so - unnamed - force driving people into certain kinds of work against their nature: the force of student loans.
There are certain kinds of homes that simply do not qualify for a HECM loan.
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