Sentences with phrase «certain language arts»

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Its curriculum aims at developing certain areas such as language, music, art, math, and science.
In addition to math and language arts, kindergarteners need to master certain goals in socialization, science or social science.
Foxfire assumes that a commercial movie about rebellious teenagers requires a certain amount of abrasive behavior and language, even if the teenagers are girls and the real interest of the filmmakers — Annette Haywood - Carter directing her first feature, Elizabeth White adapting a Joyce Carol Oates novel, five interesting but basically unknown actresses, and art director Alan Locke — appears to be elsewhere.
for the 2005 - 2006 school year and prior school years, a score for certain limited English proficient students pursuant to subparagraph (14)(viii) of this subdivision, in lieu of the State assessment in English language arts, that shows level 2 growth on the NYSESLAT;
The Certain Crush of Standards Campbell's Law (Campbell, 1976) predicts what will happen: The subjects prescribed currently by the CCSS, language arts and mathematics, and eventually science, will become the most important subjects in terms of time and resources allotted to teachers.
Florida classrooms are also dealing with a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2002 limiting class sizes in certain subjects, such as math, science and language arts (18 students in prekindergarten through third grade; 22 students fourth through eighth grades; and 25 students in high school).
The state of Florida ensures that students pass certain classes in order to be considered worthy of a high school diploma, and in the chart below I pulled the percentages that constitute passing scores for exams within the «core classes» — language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.
The expectations that one agency or locale might hold, for example, for language arts, science, social studies, or mathematics at certain age or grade levels are generally quite similar to those held by any other agency.
With that particular strand's affiliation with the languages of fashion and the lifestyle industry in mind, Roelstraete will also consider the very concept of «turns» and «turning»; the dizzying speed, that is, with which certain moments in art are quite literally turned into history.
** I've been thinking a lot about art practices that bring a specific «folk culture,» for want of a better word, into an academic or artistic practice and then apply a certain language to it that is supposed to lift it upwards, in a way.
In the language of art, we have certain kinds of mark - making and forms that we trust because they are less flexible as far as interpretation is concerned.
«This diverse lineup of panels — from challenging how we position ourselves in a globalized world, to how critical language itself has adapted in the 21st century to support current movements — examines how certain histories are being rewritten through a series of discussions that span design, architecture, geographical differences in curating, and the potential socio - political implications of collecting art, among other prevalent topics.»
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