Sentences with phrase «certain measure of success»

Owning recreation property represents a certain measure of success in our business lives and this phenomenon will never go away.
One established Ontario based lawyer (from a prominent firm) even commented publicly and online, some time ago, that it wasn't good for the Competition Bureau of Canada to not have a certain measure of success as it relates to the Abuse of Dominance provisions around successful prosecutions.
I didn't even call myself an author for 2 years because I had a certain measure of success I wanted to achieve before I applied that title to my job description.

Not exact matches

Make certain that whomever you are considering shares the same vision for the company (how large, how much risk, future plans, etc.) and the same personal measure of success (wealthy, social impact, freedom, etc.).
It is precisely measures of efficiency, success, and local esteem — that is, measures of competence in fulfilling certain functions in persons» lives — that prove the importance of academically demanding theological schooling:
I do not suppose that the exact degree of a minister's fidelity, or skill in dividing the word of truth, can be measured by the number of conversions in his parish, nor even that uncommon success in «winning souls to Christ» is a certain evidence of his personal piety.
Johnson and Spagat expected that the success of the attacks, measured in the number of people killed, would cluster around a certain figure: There would be a few small attacks and a few large ones as outliers on either end, but most attacks would pile up in the middle.
This diet probably has the most researched evidence and is not overly restrictive, which is why it consistently receives top ratings on many measures of success of certain dietary lifestyles.
With the exception of certain word - of - mouth hits (think: Get Out), a studio movie's success is measured against its opening weekend numbers, which is why after a movie is released, the gears driving the studio's marketing push grind to a halt.
Over 30,000 funds are modelled; users who register for demo access can see certain metrics measuring historic manager skill and likelihood of future success on a subset of the fund universe.
«You have to define measures of success and thresholds that you have to meet this within a certain time, otherwise, why should I use this?
These savings are one metric by which to measure well - being program success, and they are often signaled by reductions in aggregate medical claims or the use of certain provider treatment services.
Different measures of success may include meeting or beating a sales quota, finishing a certain project on time or within budget, delivering an error - free project, and improving your personal customer rating.
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