Sentences with phrase «certain measures are taken»

We want to protect you by ensuring certain measures are taken prior to going on your adventure.

Not exact matches

Walk into any open - plan office and you're almost certain to see employees taking extreme measures to achieve a little privacy.
In theory, the EU could swiftly introduce additional tariffs on «certain imports» from the US But in reality, it would take weeks because the European Commission needs to notify the World Trade Organization it is going to impose restrictions and establish the list of goods and services on which the measures will be applied.
Secondly, this view means that when we try to measure the duration taken up by a process there will be a certain limit to what is in principle measurable in itself.
«Special» (Double hip squeeze, counter pressure): Certain measures can be taken for certain situations, for example back labor caused by a posterioCertain measures can be taken for certain situations, for example back labor caused by a posteriocertain situations, for example back labor caused by a posterior baby.
If the test is positive, your midwife or doctor will take certain measures to protect the baby from getting infected.
You're probably taking certain measures around exercise and diet already; but it's worth mentioning anyway, especially as they can benefit your own sleep as well as your baby's health!
Senator Stewart - Cousins says she's certain the governor is «equally interested in protecting the lives of New Yorkers,» but she says the measures introduced on the Senate floor Wednesday are really about the legislature taking action, in its first days back after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting.
«It is certain that the measures we are taking against it are expensive and flawed — especially wind turbines.
Without this basic knowledge it is very hard to predict if, for instance, certain bacteria or parasites, transmitted via mosquitoes or other bloodsucking insects, are likely to spread or not, and what measures we must take in order to prevent this.»
It is certain that from the day that D. Hernando Cortés, the Marquis del Valle, entered this land, in the seven years, more or less, that he conquered and governed it, the natives suffered many deaths, and many terrible dealings, robberies and oppressions were inflicted on them, taking advantage of their persons and their lands, without order, weight nor measure;... the people diminished in great number, as much due to excessive taxes and mistreatment, as to illness and smallpox, such that now a very great and notable fraction of the people are gone...
If this approach had been taken a decade ago, perhaps today's policymakers would be delivering measures that cut CO2 in line with a certain probability of avoiding dangerous warming.
«Our hope is that by understanding this relationship, we may be able to predict which people are most likely to develop certain cancers so they can take preventive measures and perhaps be screened more often, as well as develop therapies to help our DNA keep or return its telomeres to a healthy length.»
But certainly in years to come, should we be apprised of the presence of certain markers, would we not be foolish taking a number of preventative measures, or at least avoiding some life - style choices.
Certain measures can be taken to improve the robustness and quality of manufacturing processes.
It is quite beneficial for a healthy male to identify the symptoms of reducing testosterone, in order to take certain type of measures and recommended therapy.
Although EMG amplitude can not be taken as a proxy measure of muscle fiber recruitment (Vigotsky et al. 2015a), there are nevertheless some indications that it is related to the long - term changes in muscle size under certain conditions.
However, there are also certain common sense measures that you can take to protect yourself, such as not providing personal information too early and making sure that you meet in a well - lit, public place.
If there's no suspense in whether or not Cash and June will get together, a measure of discomfort in the beating Cash's first wife Vivian (Ginnifer Goodwin) takes for reacting reasonably to her husband's philandering and pill - popping, and some disdain for the coy trainspotting of songs, George Lucas In Love - style, throughout (June cries «burns, burns, burns» at one point and accuses Johnny of being unable to «walk the line» at another), at least there are a couple of moments like that 5 & Dime scene that let the cast out of a certain straitjacket.
It takes a certain measure of vulnerability, as a new teacher, to decide that you'll make every effort to think and teach «outside the box» and be authentic.
One school from the Outstanding Schools Project, Finham Park in Coventry, ensures that when pupils have certain additional requirements, further measures are taken to remove unnecessary pressure.
Dan Rossmiller, government affairs director for the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, said districts are concerned the one - size - fits - all system for measuring schools doesn't make sense for certain schools, such as K - 2 schools where students are too young to take the WKCE, schools with high student turnover or schools that don't have achievement gaps to close.
Rather they serve less needy children and when adjusting school aggregate performance measures for the children they serve, they achieve no better current outcomes on average than the schools they are slated to take over... The assumption that charter takeover can solve the ills of certain district schools is specious at best.»
To supplement our security measures, there are certain steps you should take to help protect your account from fraud.
There are certain ways to live with a bad credit and you can always take measures to improve and fix your score, making way for an affordable mortgage plan.
While you can't always predict the safest travel route, you and your employees can take certain safety measures to prevent accidents that are a result of ignorance.
There are certain measures that may be taken in order to acquire the loan:
That is why we take certain measures to protect them for the rest of their lives and why there is an adoption contract in place in order to adopt.
In addition, certain measurements can be taken that allow the actual strength of the heart's contraction to be measured.
At the core of Generation Wags is education about pet ownership and how, by taking certain measures, we can PREVENT more homeless pets.
Unfortunately, he adds, stones are likely to recur unless certain preventive measures are taken, which generally entail a combination of dietary and medicinal therapies.
Certain measurements can be taken which allow the actual strength of the heart's contraction to be measured as a number and compared to the normal animal.
Nintendo have taken a few measures to attract new users such as starting to include a charger with certain 3DS bundles but it's clear that sales will continue to decline in 2016.
As explained on page 42 of The Rough Guide to Climate Change by Robert Henson, «carbon intensity is a measure of how much fossil fuel it takes to produce a certain amount of economic output.»
These measures, among other things, provide for the complete protection of certain species; allow the designation of specified areas as whale sanctuaries; set limits on the number and size of whales that may be taken; prescribe open and closed seasons and areas for whaling; and prohibit the taking of suckling calves and females accompanied by calves.
The SREX clearly found a major increase in heat waves and extreme precipitation events, and in order to adapt to these occurrences, the intensity and frequency of which is likely to increase, it would be essential to take in hand urgently certain low regrets measures.
At least in theory, Article 3 (1) of the Directive was also capable of having direct effect: the provision provided for a certain margin of discretion for Member States as to the measures taken to implement the obligations of the Directive; however, Member States still were compelled to take into account all employees in their calculations (para 33 - 34).
On the other hand, not taking sufficient supervisory measures can in certain circumstances be considered an act of complicity or even an offence in and of itself.
This is a daunting task for past documents, but measures can be taken right now to make certain that documents are created accessible.
Moreover, the nature and importance of certain measures falling under Article XX can also justify their being taken at any time, which militates in favour of a stricter treatment of actions brought against them on the basis of Article XXIII: 1 (b).
For the purposes of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the jurisdiction of the Court is limited in the Treaties to whether Art. 40 TEU has been respected and to the review of legality of certain decisions taken based on Art. 275 (2) TFEU, the latter concerning essentially legal actions brought against the legality of decisions on restrictive measures against natural and legal persons taken by the Council.
Although the general procedure (dealt in the District Court) of compulsory execution is available for the enforcement of performance of obligations decided upon or agreed upon in the disposition of family affairs cases, the Family Court has power to take, upon application of a party (obligee), certain measures for ensuring the performance of such obligations.
In those instances, it may be necessary to take measures such as permitting the defence to recall certain witnesses for examination or cross-examination, adjournments to permit the defence to subpoena additional witnesses or even, in extreme circumstances, declaring a mistrial.
Hopefully these measures that are being taken to address the increased dangers reduce the amount of accidents and deaths in New Mexico's oil - producing regions, but the increase in traffic will probably increase the danger on certain New Mexico roads permanently.
9 (grant of interim measures by courts), 27 (court assistance in taking evidence) and certain appeals — all of which are designed to support foreign seated arbitrations.
In addition, the Board should make certain that any measures taken on the matter are fully retroactive to January 1, 1998, when the discriminatory limitation to entitlement came into force.
In the second case, if certain specific offences are committed (in particular money laundering, corruption in the private or public sectors, criminal organisation, etc), charges can be brought against the company irrespective of the criminal liability of any individual, provided the corporation failed to take all reasonable organisational measures that were required in order to prevent such an offence.
This Communication is a non-binding measure that encourages online platforms to take certain measures to deal swiftly with illegal content online.
While you can't always prevent theft, there are certain safety measures you can take to help avoid a burglary:
Travelers who are going to underdeveloped countries have to take certain measures before and during their vacations to ensure they can remain healthy throughout their vacations.
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