Sentences with phrase «certain number of documented»

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In addition, credit card numbers of around 209,000 U.S. consumers and certain dispute documents with personal identifying information of around 182,000 U.S. consumers were accessed.
It compromised the personal - data crown jewels, including Social Security numbers, of 145.5 million US consumers, credit card numbers of 209,000 US and Canadian consumers, «certain dispute documents with personal identifying information» for 182,000 US consumers, personal information of 8,000 Canadian consumers, and personal information of at least 690,000 UK consumers.
As Robert Graham, founder and CEO of the security firm Errata Security, demonstrated in a blog post, someone appears to have printed the document on a printer with the model number 54 and the serial number 29535218 at a certain time on May 9, 2017.
Equifax, which said it learned of the breach in late July, said credit - card numbers for about 209,000 people and certain documents for another 182,000 were also accessed.
You can call up attorneys in any state, and they will guide you through the process and review a certain number of legal documents each month.
Given the fact that prior to the adoption of the decree the appeal cryptocurrency assets in the country is not governed by law, the document stipulates that legal persons have the right to own tokens, and, given the number of features to carry out certain operations.
The federal subpoena issued in late April seeking information about the actions of certain Executive Chamber employees on behalf of a number of companies mentions two firms that were represented by Howe at 2013 state governmental meetings, according to records and a person with knowledge of the document.
There is no way to avoid the killing of a certain number of insects if the species is to be properly documented.
A few isolated court cases in the U.S. and elsewhere have recognized post facto that a limited number of well - documented genetic susceptibilities to vaccine injury — including some mitochondrial disorders — have caused certain children to suffer permanent neurological damage.
Not pulling my books, I'll be signing a dreadful contract, with uncomfortable ambivalence, legalese in the place of hard numbers, and the certain knowledge that the document I sign is the only one that counts.
A number of works document the process of making, whether filming the actual production process or including references to certain prevalent forms of technology such as the Internet and desktop editing.
It's going to file it in my business receipts folder under this category, and those are documents that I share with my accountant so that I know when my accountant is balancing my books for the quarter, she's going to have access to that receipt, and so I do that with a lot of my ongoing monthly business expenses and then I also have similar categories setup every time that I open a new client matter, Hazel's going to create a subset of folders and certain things that have certain criteria, like if it has a particular case number in it, those are all have... If you're looking for a particular thing with a particular case number, it's going to file it in that client folder.
Run a tally on the number of documents identified for each language above a certain percentage to budget for and staff the review appropriately to meet review deadlines.
There are a number of types of POA: they can be general, or restricted to certain uses (such as medical or financial transactions; or whatever the document specifies).
«Form» means to address the manner in which a marriage is «formed» — think, «signed, sealed, and delivered» when it comes to documents, or witnessed by a certain number of people.
Along with your complaint, you must file a separate document containing certain personal information, such as your full names, social security numbers, mailing addresses and your dates of birth — as well as the dates of birth of any children you have together.
You want to make sure your tenant was given enough time to review the document and the landlord may have put itself under an obligation to provide the TEC a certain number of days before the TEC must be executed.
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