Sentences with phrase «certain orbit of the earth»

A certain orbit of the Earth can be associated with many different climates.

Not exact matches

Similar to SpaceX's Falcon rockets, certain components of New Glenn will be reusable, but it will mostly be relegated to missions that don't go farther than the Earth's orbit.
It is certain that the world will end sometime, either by our sun dying or the earth being struck by an asteroid or the moon leaving earth orbit or dozens of other possible catastrophies.
«The comet only has a certain number of tries to get in close and either hit Earth or get scattered on to another orbit,» Raymond says.
We are now pretty certain that there are billions of Earth - like planets in our galaxy — rocky worlds about the same size as ours, orbiting similar stars at similar distances.
Several satellites orbit our planet and indicate through the transit time of signals the distance to a certain point on the earth, for example, a car.
But certain orbital safe havens known as Trojan points, leading or trailing the moon in its orbit around Earth, would allow a moonlet to hang around for tens of millions of years before meeting its end.
* Coherent catastrophism * is about lumps hitting Earth with correlations in time, with some sort of order; this might involve groups of lumps hitting us at a certain time of year for a few centuries, because they happen to be arranged in a co-moving stream in orbit around the Sun.
«This is the perfect target for such an exercise because while we know the orbit of 2012 TC4 well enough to be absolutely certain it will not impact Earth, we haven't established its exact path just yet,» said Paul Chodas, manager of the CNEOS at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The team was able to deduce the number of exoplanets, as well as certain characteristics of these alien worlds such as their size, orbit, and composition, by identifying dips in the perceived light output of TRAPPIST - 1 as the planets passed between Earth and the star, blocking a portion of its light.
The recent CO2 rise being anthropogenic is as certain as the earth orbiting the sun and the evolution of species.
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