Sentences with phrase «certain other cloud»

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Complex organic molecules, consisting of carbon bonded with other elements like oxygen and hydrogen, are common in the Milky Way, but it was uncertain whether they would be produced in certain dwarf galaxies like the neighboring Large Magellanic Cloud.
And when Mo Muntervary tells Father Wally «Phenomena are interconnected regardless of distance, in a holistic ocean more voodoo than Newton», she could be describing Mitchell's own love affair with connections: fans of Mitchell's work will also recognise certain characters and concepts from his other novels, in particular, Cloud Atlas, Black Swan Green and number9dream.
I just got my Oasis yesterday, and while I was downloading ebooks from certain collections I have there were ebooks showing in my cloud that are in other collections.
You are required to log - in to your Credit Repair Cloud Site after a certain period of time has elapsed to protect you against others accidentally accessing your account contents.
This is a rare phenomenon that occurs only under certain conditions on evenings when there are no clouds, haze, or other obstructions on the horizon.
Cloud, Terra) when we know them to have switched sides before the beginning of the 13th cycle, but other than the occasional dipping into volatile shades of grey at certain chapters, Square - Enix «s narrative generally remains to be a black and white affair.
Condensation in the atmosphere, and therefore cloud formation, begins only in the presence of tiny particles of smoke, salt, or certain other substances.
For example, certain other brokerages could develop or license cloud - based office platforms that are equal to or superior to our company's.
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