Sentences with phrase «certain parts of the body»

These broad categories simply refer to diverse tumors that just happen to originate in certain parts of the body.
It is also recommended to use a variety of workout strategies in your program in order to provide growth towards the entire body, instead of focusing more on certain parts of the body.
Each method has its benefits, and disadvantages, and some are better than others for certain parts of the body as well as different skin types.
By not training certain parts of your body, you miss out on doing some of the exercises that will end up adding the most muscle to your body.
The areas on the hand correspond with certain parts of the body, brain, behaviours and emotions.
I wanted to share a few of my body positive tips because I fully understand basically hating certain parts of your body as most girls tend to do.
Items include boxing equipment and training materials, various mats, balls and other aids for workouts, and several supports, straps and guards for protecting certain parts of the body during sessions.
Not only can you decorate your body with it, but you can also use it to bring into focus certain parts of your body or to enhance the beauty of certain parts.
The world tries to sell you lies that you must look a certain way and highlight certain parts of your body in order to find self - worth.
What's more because you don't have any requirements to perform certain movements at the height of human possibility you can actually emphasize certain parts of your body if you want to.
Some dogs with these coats only need certain parts of their bodies trimmed whereas others need to have their whole coat trimmed.
In these cases it is best to avoid touching certain parts of the body that can make them feel uncomfortable.
It can also be life threatening when located on certain parts of the body, such as the head and neck.
Most of us tend to hold tension in certain parts of our bodies, such as our necks, shoulders, hips, chest, jaw, or forehead.
We know a lot of you like to train certain parts of your body one day and another part of your body the next.
If you see that your dog is licking at certain parts of the body numerous times, you are probably observing itchy skin behavior.
However, typical behavioral symptoms include restlessness, and chewing, scratching or licking certain parts of his body more often than usual.
However, frequent use of steroid medications on certain parts of the body like on the face and around the mouth may cause more severe side effects, especially when used for long periods of time.
On nudity: «I don't really have an issue with showing certain parts of my body.
The feet are like roots of a tree, and the sole or bottom of the foot contains hundreds of nerve endings and acupressure points that can be massaged to help certain parts of the body.
I have insecurities about certain parts of my body, as do most people, and during my consultation I shared these areas so that we could find dress styles that flattered my figure while keeping these insecurities in mind.
For Aristotle, then, sensing involves a passive - active relation between certain parts of the body and certain agent - objects of the physical world.
Clothing should be regarded as something more than just objects that make you warm and conceal certain parts of your body.
Some people swear by specific exercises, saying how much they helped them build certain parts of their body, so another lifter would think it would be a good idea to start doing them.
This fluid helps lubricate our joints and can even help regenerate certain parts of the body.
It is poliquin's belief that fat accumulates in certain parts of the body due to specific hormones that are overproduced or under produced by the body for different reasons.
Works with the phases of the menstrual cycle When doing a fertility cleanse we focus on cleansing certain parts of the body during specific phases of the menstrual cycle.
You may also find it helpful to focus on relaxing certain parts of your body when doing exercises known to cause a coregasm.
You don't want to look too plain or business - like so make sure to go for lace details or cut out patterns which reveal certain parts of your body.
Cat Alopecia - This is a common cat skin conditions where your cat loses hair over certain parts of the body.
They may not like to be touched anywhere, or there may be certain parts of their body where they'd rather not receive petting.
This allows you to give them snacks as gifts so they'll like you enough to not only go home with you, but start flirting and allow you to stare at certain parts of their bodies without immediately being weirded out and leaving whilst calling you a creepy pervert.
Dismembering certain parts of their bodies can trigger horrifying necrotic mutations.
In each piece, different parts of the women's body are different colors, and are not necessarily the true colors of their skin or clothing articles but rather the varied patches of color represent how they might feel within certain parts of their bodies.
Dermatologist Nurse Practitioner Susan Tofte will review new and existing topical prescription treatments available, how to safely start and taper off steroids, and which topicals are better for certain parts of your body.
Similar to the above reason, when you don't train certain parts of your body, what you're really doing is just limiting the amount of muscle you can add to your body.
However, it is illegal to show certain parts of the body and for this reason it is important that you wear underpants if you are wearing your blankets.»
While a completely severed cord causes paralysis and loss of sensation below the severed section of cord, a partially severed or damaged cord might result in symptoms such as involuntary movements or muscle spasms, weakness or decreased motor control involving one or more limbs, loss or altered sensation in certain parts of the body, impaired bowel or bladder function, and other nervous system dysfunction.
If your pet is obsessive about licking certain parts of his body and it leads to open wounds, the problem can be very difficult to fix long term, even using behavior modification techniques.
Feeding our carnivores more nutrient - dense foods such as eggs, organ meats and broths are helpful to «build blood» during the time of year when certain parts of the body may not be getting enough.
Auricular acupuncture: Acupuncture needles are placed at acupoints on the outer ear that match up with certain parts of the body.
You may also notice a few other differences in baby, such as an elongated head shape and the appearance of downy, white hair on certain parts of his body.
One was smaller and round and could be used by moving the arm to defend a certain part of the body which was being threatened.
In most food allergies, the release of histamine is limited to certain parts of the body, such as your mouth, throat or skin.
I was relaxing my self and breathing through my contractions and focus my contractions to a certain part of my body.
Some women say they're even able to «numb» certain parts of their body, so they don't have to feel the sensations associated with any act.
An article on LiveStron g states that while swelling in certain parts of the body is normal when pregnant, too much salt can worsen the situation.
You could have a wearable device that provides a magnetic field to certain parts of the body and it might be used therapeutically for many diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases.
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