Sentences with phrase «certain parts of the game»

After all, most of these characters have a limited role in the story and it'd be somewhat strange to see them pop - up in certain parts of the game.
While the game is a lot of fun, after a while or at certain parts of the game, it does have a bit of a repetitive feel to it.
But there are certain parts of the game where a third - person perspective will work really well, especially in the forest where wild animals can jump at you out of nowhere.
What I certainly would like to know is whether the managers have any real authority to tell players to work on certain parts of their game.
He's a different proposition and can using him can access certain parts of the game that you can't normally.
By analyzing what skills users are having the most trouble with, for example, the company's education team can refine certain parts of the games to help students succeed.
We already knew the game included voice acting, but this confirms it is for more than just certain parts of the game.
Yet I have a feeling that this aggressive enemies mod, as interesting as it sounds, will make certain parts of this game feel completely broken.
This took away from how scary certain parts of the game should have been.
In certain parts of the game you'll have to make certain defining choices.
Kirby also has a particularly awesome new ability called Hypernova that he gains during certain parts of the game when he finds a Miracle Fruit.
Whilst it can be very difficult to learn to «fly» and develop a decent aerial game, there are specialised player - created training regimes (on top of the drills already built in) that really help to get certain parts of your game tuned up in an attempt to compete with the big players.
Viewing this as a launch year game, it is harsh to dwell on the games shortcomings (the audio for gunfire is just awful, character models lack the shine as do certain parts of the game, slow down occurs when things get too hectic and it can be difficult to get into a game online) when it is the first game of the series, the first game by the developer, and the first FPS game for the Vita.
I'm sure you can agree that adding Luigi and his abilities would dynamically change the experience and level design, as it would require you to think about how to tackle certain parts of the game.
Earlier this year I reviewed Retro City Rampage, and honestly I could copy and paste certain parts of that game's review and just put it back in here because Evoland 2 is just endlessly concerned with references, and is really trying to make this part of its thing.
According to Tabata, the early plans of Square Enix involve enriching certain parts of the game, including strengthening ring magic and improving the gameplay for Final Fantasy XV's Chapter 13.
The below issues were not bugs per - say, but issues that came up during play testing that made us realize certain parts of the game were not clear, which is basically a bug in itself.
The idea of making Mario invincible came from testers wanting to get past certain parts of the game without simply flying over it using the P - Wing.
There are also some new camera angles tossed in at certain parts of the game which bring the camera down for more of a «Dead Space feel», though this only occurs a few time.
Certain parts of the game allow you to blast through walls, but most of the time it's only the small stuff that acquires battle damage.
The very fact that you're looking for spoiler - specific hints to beating certain parts of a game should also keep you from having the spoiler censor activated, so there's no specific advantage to using this system over a quick search on GameFAQs.
The euphoric sensation you might've felt while playing certain parts of the game is in many ways Klang's storytelling through gameplay.
Action Abilities are strictly acquired through clearing certain parts of the game, usually from defeating powerful Bosses or making it through difficult battles against a large amount of enemies.
Certain parts of this game left me in tears, you really form a bond with this big catbird.
Interacting comes down to using a command system known as GameSpeak, having you mimic passwords that you hear in certain parts of the game in order to advance.
Though there are certain parts of the game where picking one of the four available characters is ideal, you can play through the entire game with a favorite if you so desired.
Tiny, helpful pop - ups will erupt during certain parts of the game to give you hints, or tell you how to control your character.
Titus also has a focus attack which is like bullet - time and allows him to string a succession of attacks that does prove valuable at certain parts of the game.
The new stopper is expecting it to be a lively encounter as well and he knows that thge pace and intensity of football in England can often take players from overseas by surprise, so he has been working hard on certain parts of his game in order to cope.
You can fly around as the Green Lantern and beat the snot out of Sinestro, who is also a playable character, take control of Bane, play as Poison Ivy and even hurtle around as The Flash.While quite a few of them are just pretty basic re-skins of each other, a lot of them bring their unique powers, abilities and gadgets to the table, allowing you to access certain parts of the game that were previously inaccessible, a familiar concept for the series that gives it oodles of replay value.
Focussing less on puzzles and more on actual detective work examining crime scenes and interviewing people, certain parts of the game were randomized to encourage replays.
Checkpoints are few and far between, which makes every victory all the sweeter, but can lead to frustration in certain parts of the game.
The Witcher 2 includes a stealth mode in certain parts of the game, where players must remain undetected as they make their way to a certain objective.
In certain parts of the game, it is VERY obvious this title was designed for the Wii U. Beating stages with a lot of Lums always gives you a Lucky Ticket to scratch, which will either reward you with a Creature, a Teensy, Lums, or Origin stages.
The plot in each game is almost the same, featuring slightly different scenes in certain parts of the game and of course, the main legendary Pokémon is different in each one.
The plot in the game is almost the same as Ruby and Sapphire, featuring slightly different scenes in certain parts of the game and of course, the main legendary Pokémon is different than the previous games.
Titus also has a focus attack which is like bullet - time and allows him to string a succession of attacks that does prove valuable at certain parts of the game.
I can point out certain parts of the game where I know some people actually might stop playing the game all together and to be honest, if I wasn't in charge of reviewing the game I would have given up halfway through.
In certain parts of the game you have really dark areas and a red light will illuminate a small part of the area which is quite mood - fitting, if a little cheap.
Certain parts of the game, like placement of flying enemies and spacing between checkpoints, could use extra fine tuning, but overall Nightmare Boy is a fantastic new sleeper entry in the increasingly crowded Metroidvania genre, and it deserves a whole lot more attention than it's been receiving thus far.
overkill is completly different gun game, great game but took it back due to the gun acting up on the wii and glitching up in certain parts of the game
Additionally, if the weapon is obtainable during a certain part of the game only, we'll make sure you're prepared to grab it at the earliest opportunity.
Although he is not a combatant, the player can control him at certain parts of the game.
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