Sentences with phrase «certain parts of the world»

For example, you naturally can't fight enemies until you find your sword, and you can't traverse certain parts of the world until you find other specific items.
There are countries in certain parts of the world wherein it's illegal for a person to have more than one job.
For example, certain foods are less common in certain parts of the world.
«It will be absolutely catastrophic for certain parts of the world,» Anderson says.
Population and economic output in certain parts of the world often rise steadily for a long time.
Soil conservation methods such as contour planting or no - till farming reduce erosion, keeping the soil in place during heavy rains or floods — a major concern in certain parts of the world such as India.
That story is still very much relevant today and it's crazy to see how accurately made this film was when looking back at what certain parts of the world were like when this movie was made.
Not to mention DO'B actually owns (& may use) the Digicel brand name in certain parts of the world!?
This means travel to / from Hawaii to certain parts of the world on miles is considerably cheaper than when using Delta / United miles, which both consider Hawaii a separate zone.
While moving toward more generalized blockchain technology is the trend in the developed world, there are still plenty of people in certain parts of the world who don't have much interest in permissioned ledgers.
So summing up, Solar Powered Mobile Phones a good idea and great for certain parts of the world, but a niche market that doesn't include me.
This chlorinated compound is responsible for elevated cancer rates in certain parts of the world where PVC production facilities are located.
Corn has been a staple in certain parts of the world for centuries — it is starchy, high in energy, and easy to grow and prepare, which made it a practical source of calories for populations who fed themselves by farming.
Besides the ability to catch rare Pokémon that are typically only available in certain parts of the world, Niantic promised attendees that they would have the chance to catch the first ultra-powerful, so - called Legendary Pokémon at the end of the event.
And although they may occasionally confront racism and discrimination on the street or while travelling to certain parts of the world, I would still feel confident that this would affect them less and less in the workplace.
In certain parts of the world — like the United Kingdom — you can actually shield yourself from taxes incurred form ETFs by putting them into your Individual Savings Account, or even a personal pension.
He said: «We've got a ticking bomb going on here, in that Christians in certain parts of the world haven't got very much time left for their situation to be resolved.
«Followers of Christ face horrific persecution and even genocide in certain parts of the world.
«We may have an expert in a certain type of bread that exists in a certain part of the world and we can bring that resource to a customer in North America if they're focusing on that type of ethnic bread.»
There's an emerging conversation among supply chain leaders at major food and ingredients companies about the concept of «food miles,» and how the extended supply chain is reaching a point where we could face a situation where the food chain becomes unsustainable in certain parts of the world.
Some of these farming practices have been banned in certain parts of the world, but they remain common practice in most US states.
(And to think, in certain parts of the world they will try to tell you that America has lost its edge, that we have become a third - rate power.
It's often taken for motion sickness or digestive problems, but in certain parts of the world, ginger is believed to help mothers increase their breast milk supply.
The grass roots organization Improving Birth coined the term «obstetric violence» - which is playing out in labor and delivery units in certain parts of the world; the World Health Organization called for increased scrutiny of these disrespectful childbirth care practices, as women treated in this way, feel assaulted and violated, and must be taken as seriously as rape.
Indeed, pure oat products in certain parts of the world, particularly Scandinavian countries, are marketed as being an acceptable part of a gluten free diet.
These problems will not remain confined to certain parts of the world; they are going to become global problems that could rise to the level of a crisis.
But rabies is still common in certain parts of the world, including Ethiopia.
In his study, recently published in the scientific journal «Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,» he concludes that the reintroduction of large animals in certain parts of the world could have a positive effect in regard to species diversity.
Katie Williams, first author from the Department of Ophthalmology at King's College London, said: «We knew myopia was becoming more common in certain parts of the world — almost 8 in 10 young people are affected in urban East Asia — but it is very interesting to find that the same pattern is being seen here in Europe.
«We have a lot of data points from around the Earth — we know in certain parts of the world the crust is a certain thickness, composed of a specific kind of rock and located a known distance from a volcano — and we take those relationships and apply them to what we know about Greenland,» said co-author Leigh Stearns, associate professor of geology at KU.
According to a new study, airborne particles and their accumulation on solar cells are cutting energy output by more than 25 percent in certain parts of the world.
Climate change could make drought a way of life in certain parts of the world.
Blood diamonds are used to fund wars and other brutal activities in certain parts of the world.
After ancient seaweed and vegetation were buried in certain parts of the world a very long time ago, these plants and seaweed pressurized and formed new substances that have been shown to drastically benefit human health.
This declaration came at the hands of the World Food Conference and, at that time, it was specifically a food considered in helping to fight malnutrition in certain parts of the world.
Even though certain free sugars, like honey and maple syrup, were present in certain parts of the world, they were not as easily accessible and consumed as they are today.
Grains were only a very TINY fraction of the ancient Paleolithic diet (and only in certain parts of the world) as there was no way to process large amounts of grain back in that day into flour, so amounts of wild grain would have been small such as a handful or two of gathered grains added to a meal of meat and veggies.
Some bars and restaurants focus on one style of food or food from a certain part of the world, which is great if you are in the mood for that type of meal out, but if you are not sure of what you want, it can be a bit limiting.
If you were drawn to a certain part of the world to holiday, chances are other singles have similar interests, geographical roots, socio - economic background and outlook on life to match yours.
However, keep in mind that certain parts of the world have different law regarding the age of consent.
However, this isn't just a dumb action vehicle, as there are many political and environmental subtexts underneath the surface, as well as more derisive fears of the US military presence in certain parts of the world, who appear to be callous to the needs and concerns of peoples in other nations.
Countries have had mixed results in trying to tackle the issue, particularly in mathematics, and the issue is not just confined to certain parts of the world.
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