Sentences with phrase «certain predictable ways»

These experts» opinions are partial and biased in certain predictable ways.

Not exact matches

«We all know that if you engage in certain kinds of exercise on a regular basis you can strengthen certain muscle groups in predictable ways,» Davidson says in his office at the University of Wisconsin, where his research team has hosted scores of Buddhist monks and other meditators for brain scans.
And that's the danger of ideological football; a team that plays a certain way leaves itself vulnerable and predictable if the execution drops.
In football, and especially if you are a fan of Arsenal Football Club, you never really know what to expect, although a lot of us feel that the actions of a certain Mister Arsene Wenger are pretty predictable in some ways.
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Jan. 31, 2018 — Using a simple analytical framework for random events within a predictable system, computational biologists have found a new way to accurately model certain forms of gene expression, including the body's 24 - hour internal clock.
There are a number of ways to pick the perfect name for a dog, picking favorite literary characters, picking more predictable dog names and naming the dog after certain characteristics.
It means that it would be predictable that acting in a certain way would cause injury to the type of person that was harmed.
While every child is unique, children develop in certain, predictable ways, called developmental milestones.
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