Sentences with phrase «certain qualities in»

They were applying for jobs in the $ 150,000 — $ 200,000 range, and at that level, employers expect candidates to exhibit certain qualities in the interview process.
So we look for certain qualities in the software and systems we acquire — they should be attractive to the eye, and fun and simple to use.
Using the gallery's condition of high visibility, Spooner considers the characteristics of corporate and museum architectures by amplifying and exaggerating certain qualities in the space through the use of soft acoustic panels, daylight bulbs, and background noise.
Every lady looks for certain qualities in a man, and that is how every man looks for particular qualities in a woman.
Most of the singles here are likewise educated and interested in certain qualities in their dates.
The prospective wife may be looking for certain qualities in a future spouse.
Well, men who look for loving long term relationship look for certain qualities in a woman.
Honesty is key as well — while you may think that putting certain qualities in your profile gets you more attention, being accurate always saves everyone time down the line.
The singletons surveyed were asked to rate the importance of certain qualities in a potential match.
This is a reflection of the Ayurvedic teaching of Like Increases Like - when we are exposed to certain qualities in the environment, our food and other sensory impressions, these same qualities are increased in our body and mind.
It is thought that «selective pressure» acts only on males — that is, the pressure that the female exerts on the male through her differential preferences for certain qualities in the male.
A precise scientifi c defi nition of life is an elusive thing, but most observers would agree that life includes certain qualities in addition to an ability to replicate.
One identifies with certain qualities in the person or thing and is thus able to «own» resources within oneself that have been ignored.

Not exact matches

But there are certain qualities that incredibly successful people share... especially those who make a significant impact on the lives of other people in the process.
Feast is co-founder and CEO of Cogito Corporation, a Boston - based software startup that uses artificial intelligence to measure and improve the quality of certain key conversations, such as sales and customer - service calls, in real time.
They understand that when mobile device and tablet penetration in a given country reaches a certain threshold, subscriber demand for high - quality indoor reception spikes and the carriers have to respond.
As a result, primary dealers are the most influential non-governmental players in global financial markets, which is why they supposedly must meet certain liquidity and quality requirements and provide central banks with analysis and market intelligence on the state of the worldwide markets.
Kelly wrote an op - ed in The New York Times last year arguing for the labeling of genetically modified organisms, so that consumers can better understanding the benefits of genetically engineering a product or plant to give it certain qualities.
The biggest problem with the status quo investment models, says Saunders, is that they tend to penalize certain qualities common in women.
The two most important ones are one, using our specialty store channel as a laboratory to test product in our stores earlier than we take it to general market, to be able to get reads and then be able to react, both to chase into product, to make adjustments to product, and to take position on raw materials, which leads to the second part that George mentioned in his prepared remarks, where the (45:19) product, whether that's certain leather qualities that we use on an ongoing basis, or fabrications in ready - to - wear, to take a position, an ownership position on those so that we're able to react more quickly.
With real estate, owning a good house in a good neighbourhood that is certain to appreciate, and is also easy to rent (e.g. near a university) to good quality tenants has been my strategy.
Customers need consistency in order to associate certain images, phrases, and qualities with specific brands.
Two of them are Coca - Cola and Johnson & Johnson, which have such extraordinary earnings quality and hedges in place that it is almost certain that someone buying the stock today will be collecting cash dividends in 2050.
I said Christians shouldn't swear in certain ways, especially given the quality of swear words in other languages besides English.
Today's police officers, soldiers, and politicians (like their hunter - gatherer forerunners) flourish when certain qualities are in good supply among them: cunning, prowess, show of force, obedience, respect for hierarchy, readiness to take vengeance, and, above all, loyalty.
In considering passage Whitehead assumes that a structure of events «provides the framework of the externality of nature within which objects are located» (PNK 80) and that «space and time are abstractions expressive of certain qualities of the structure» (PNK 80).
Rather, it is the existence of a certain universalistic quality in the jurisprudence, the scholarship, the media and the religion that is decisive — a universalistic quality which, precisely because it transcends particular beliefs and practices, can bring the particulars of that situation under critical scrutiny.
The film conveys that musically, Davis (i.e., Van Ronk) had extremely high - quality stuff, in Joan's and Bob's league, or just below theirs, with the slight inferiority perhaps due to it lacking certain markers of distinctiveness.
Once it is recognized that antagonistic qualities, too, are categoreal, then perhaps certain ambiguities which do not appear in the surprisingly tidy picture of the process of concrescence presented in Process and Reality can become more apparent.
i) Moral or ethical correspondence — where it is possible to find certain similarities in God and man since like God man also possesses the qualities of «goodness» and «mercy» etc. and;
To be a person is to possess certain essential qualities and capacities which do not belong to any things in the nonhuman world.
Just so, on the inorganic level, every element in the periodic scale has its special characteristics, and some, like the radioactive substances, have qualities of far - reaching significance in certain respects.
With the help of man's ability to allow a certain element of his being to appear in his glance, he produces a look that is meant to affect the other as a spontaneous expression reflecting a personal being of such and such qualities.
Our grounds for making this confession may arise from the Christ - like qualities of love, gentleness or selflessness, which we have encountered in certain Christians.
Rather it must be constantly remembered that the word «God» stands for certain specified qualities present in every experience.
Brunner is right that there is a certain impersonality about a system of justice, a definiteness and a structured quality which is not dependent on attitudes of personal like or dislike.3 Yet justice within a family requires adaptation to individual need, and justice within an economic order requires some variation in income according to contribution as well as need.
There were three main limitations on early Hebrew morals: the field of ethical obligation was tribally constricted; within the tribal circle certain classes were denied full personal rights; and the nature of moral conduct was interpreted in such external terms of custom and ritual as to make small demand on internal insight and quality.
I maintained that, contrary to the commonly expressed or tacitly accepted view, the era of active evolution did not end with the appearance of the human zoological type: for by virtue of his acquirement of the gift of individual reflection Man displays the extraordinary quality of being able to totalize himself collectively upon himself, thus extending on a planetary scale the fundamental vital process which causes matter, under Certain conditions, to organize itself in elements which are ever more complex physically, and psychologically ever more centrated.
One difficulty grows out of the presence of something in Jesus» teaching, namely, a certain strenuous and uncompromising quality; the other difficulty grows out of the lack of something, namely, light on what particular choices should be made between available alternatives in many concrete situations.
Borderland insanity, crankiness, insane temperament, loss of mental balance, psychopathic degeneration (to use a few of the many synonyms by which it has been called), has certain peculiarities and liabilities which, when combined with a superior quality of intellect in an individual, make it more probable that he will make his mark and affect his age, than if his temperament were less neurotic.
On the one hand, he recognized the good in the traditional sense — that there are certain qualities of character that are worth having for their own sake, and goods that are self - evident in the sense that no argument or further justification is necessary for them.
Yet as one thinks of persons he knows to be unmistakably Christian, a certain pattern and quality of life are distinguishable, more readily discerned by acquaintance than defined in words, which give meaning and content to the term «personal Christian living.»
It is — in relationship to and in distinction from other eternal objects — a definite quality, hence possesses a certain qualitative definiteness.
What was lacking was genuine «obedience», not to a set of moral requirements imposed from on high, but in a certain quality of spirit.
In regard to the decision - making process in matters of energy policy, the document calls for «a national commitment to anticipate serious threats posed by certain technologies to the quality of the community of life and to design appropriate energy policIn regard to the decision - making process in matters of energy policy, the document calls for «a national commitment to anticipate serious threats posed by certain technologies to the quality of the community of life and to design appropriate energy policin matters of energy policy, the document calls for «a national commitment to anticipate serious threats posed by certain technologies to the quality of the community of life and to design appropriate energy policy.
Proceeding chronologically, «Secondness» is the category whereby X owes its concrete content to specific prior feelings which had in turn been perfectly independent of X. Next, «Firstness» is evidenced by the fact that X has a certain feeling - quality which is externally related to whatever subsequent feelings occur.
On the other hand, we see little reason to doubt that Samuel did exercise a multiple function in Israel; that he did in fact combine in himself certain qualities of seer, priest, prophet and judge, consistent, to be sure, with his age and time; and that he performed substantially as represented the function of king - maker in early Israel.
«Act» here must not be equated with «action»; rather, «act» refers to the intrinsic quality, as it were, that determines the potency of matter to be such and such, in the way that the shape of a piece of clay determines its potentiality to be a certain shape.
When you wrote, «statistically men are alpha - dominant and women are beta - dominant,» you were, I believe, failing adequately to acknowledge what I wrote primarily to Adam above regarding the role of culture in encouraging the development of certain qualities and tendencies in male and female children.
We see certain qualities which have been realistically preserved and recreated — this utterly noneuphemized story of the sojourning Levite and his concubine, the degenerate townsmen, the women's tragic fate and the unhappy mores which dictated the circumstances (cf. Gen. 19), the Levite's shockingly dramatic response, the attrition of Benjamin, and the episodes of that tribe's very meager reconstitution [was Benjamin in fact depleted by Philistine massacre over the years?].
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